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254 Kashmiri Pandits in Govt. jobs since 2015


Up to 254 Kashmir Pandits have joined the government services of Jammu and Kashmir since a special program was announced for the community displaced by the Center in 2015.

As part of the Prime Minister's Development Program (PMDP) announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 7, 2015, the government approved the creation of 3,000 additional jobs for pandits in the state government in cost of 1,080 crore.

Read also | Thirty years later, still no spring for the Pandits

A similar employment program was announced by the Manmohan Singh government in 2008, under which 1,474 state government jobs were provided to young migrants.

The Union's Ministry of the Interior, in response to a permanent parliamentary commission on relief and rehabilitation provided to Kashmiri pandits, said that to date, appointment orders have been 528 candidates were issued and 254 joined the functions.

the special status of Jammu and Kashmir under section 370 was revoked and the state was forked and demoted in the territories of the J&K Union and Ladakh by Parliament on August 6, 2019.

The ministry told the panel that, according to information provided by the government of Jammu and Kashmir, there were 64,827 registered migrant families, including 60,489 Hindu families, 2,609 Muslim families and 1,729 Sikh families.

Of the 64,827 families, 43,494 families are registered in Jammu, 19,338 in Delhi and 1,995 families are settled in other States and Union territories. Of the 43,494 migrant families, 5,248 families live in migrant camps, according to the report tabled in parliament last week.

The ministry said the government had provided relief and rehabilitation packages to all registered migrants, regardless of their religion.

Cash assistance to eligible Jammu and Kashmiri migrants is granted at the rate of 3,250 per person with a ceiling of 13,000 per family per month. The latest improvement was approved in June 2018. In addition, dry rations are also provided, the ministry told the panel.

Cash back-up hike

The monthly cash allowance for Kashmiri migrants increased from 6,600 per sanctioned family in 2004 to 13,000 per family per month in 2018. The cash allowance provided by state governments is reimbursed by the MHA.

As for transit accommodation, 849 apartments are available and 560 apartments are under construction, the report said.

The panel led by Congressman Anand Sharma observed that the living conditions in the 849 transit accommodation are not good and recommended that the ministry send a team to visit the transit accommodation and take the necessary measures to provide adequate living conditions, including floor space, food hygiene, water supply, sanitation and other basic amenities.

The committee also recommended that the ministry expedite the construction of new transit housing in order to ease the burden of existing housing, the report said.

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