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Donald Trump cares about the American people


RUSH: What Pence announced today at the White House meeting, all of the healthcare companies that were represented at the White House meeting today agreed to give up all copays related to the coronavirus. The perverse health care companies that everyone hates and despises have agreed to give up all the copays linked to the coronavirus.

In addition, there is a drug, there is an antiviral which is not part of any of the official tests. This has just shown some success in some patients in similar respiratory cases. And the insurance companies have agreed to compensate him. They agreed to pay for the use and prescription of this medication for certain people.

Now you can sit there – I read an article today where the Drive-By Media, I forget where it was – "Trump must realize that this is not to about him. The coronavirus does not concern him. "He doesn't think it's about him. You know, I'm sitting here like yesterday, I'm totally stumped – and I know I shouldn't be, but I am – facing Continuous and total ignorance and lack of understanding that Washington political professionals understand the support of Donald Trump, the people who support him, including the people who make up his base.

They continue to show an arrogant degree of ignorance that amazes me. Donald Trump does not think it is about him. It’s in their convoluted minds. They tell us more about who they are when they embark on this distant analysis of Trump. They're trying to make people believe that Trump doesn't care a little bit about you, doesn't care about your family, that Trump only cares about whether his image is going to be hurt because of the coronavirus. And so, as far as Trump is concerned, the coronavirus is everything for him, for his reputation and for his future.

And if these people did not understand that if there is a politician in America today who really cares about the American people, it is Donald Trump. And you can see it every day simply from the policies it is trying to implement, the policies it supports, from the agenda it has implemented. It's all about making America great, not making Trump great. In his mind, he's already great. Doesn't need to be taller than him. It's not about him.

You know, we played a piece of Trump's town hall he had with the folks at Fox News last week, which was the highest rated town hall Fox has ever had. And he always portrays the truth at some point, even when he is joking, even when he is joking. And he said to Bret Baier, "I actually think we are saving the country."

This is obviously not about him. He does not need to be saved. Trump did it. Trump did it. The old American vernacular. He doesn't have to run away. To save the country is to preserve it for its people. I am stunned that Trump's critics from top to bottom and from left to right, Never Trumpers on our side, rabid leftists on their side continue to think that Trump's ego is so evolved and focused on himself that he does not care or is not & amp; amp; # 39; Don't worry about anyone.

Listen, I can tell you anecdotally, at first hand, that Donald Trump cares much more than he cares. There is a part of me that says they understand this, they just can't let go of it. They cannot abandon this way of criticizing Trump. They can't give up on the idea that they're going to find a way to outrun Trump supporters from Trump. They will find a way to drive a corner. And they will continue to use the same techniques that have failed for more than four years and more.

Meanwhile, the vice president again announced today that all health care companies represented at the White House have agreed to give up all copays related to the coronavirus. And they're going to pay for it – I'm going to have the name of this drug. I can't think of it. But do not get me wrong. It is not a specially developed medicine. This is something that already exists that has proven to be effective with some people. Do not forget that this virus really zaps the elderly. If you are over 75, you have preexisting breathing problems, that is who is really at risk here.


RUSH: Kevin McCarthy said something last night, and it is worth repeating, because Trump himself has tried to make this point. I will remind everyone. It was in December that Trump was already on the right track and treating this virus outside of China. It was at this point that it closed its flights to China, until December and certainly in January.

Trump then offered to send some of our scientists and doctors to Wuhan to help him, and the ChiComs refused. He went to the House to inform them of this threat and what was to come. Now, you may not remember much, because the way the media has dealt with this … Democrats have done nothing about it. They said Trump was great. They said … The media tried to run the game: "This is Trump's xenophobia.

"It's Trump's racism!" It's Trump who's trying to end the border closure by instilling stupid fear. The Democrats did nothing. They did not listen. They laughed at Trump for canceling a trip, just as they did when he announced the first travel ban soon after his inauguration. Today, do you know what they did? Today, the House passed a law to prevent it from banning travel, to prevent it from banning travel.


You know, they removed Trump the whole time he was already working on it. He's been trying to warn people about this for months, and they laughed and laughed at him and accused him of trying to distract everyone's attention from it because He was indicted and because it was very serious, because he was very worried – very worried – about what the Democrats were doing.

"He could be fired from office!" So they accused him of creating all kinds of distractions and doing all kinds of things to tell people, to scare everyone and so on and make it seem like it would be very risky to throw Trump out of the office. He turned out to be perfectly right. They ignored it and laughed at it. He is trying to ban travel from China to the United States, and he finally did so in January. They made fun of him all the time.

Now they have passed a law to prevent it from banning travel. In other words, they passed a law requiring the borders to remain open, and they did it because they think there is a political opportunity here to make Trump a xenophobe, a racist, that Trump wants to ban travel because he is a racist pig and they will not let him get away with it.

So they want to be able to accuse him of that, because they think that throwing away the race card accusing any Republican of racism or xenophobia is an automatic thing for them. I really don't think they have a clue what they're headed for in November. Truly not. I don't think the media have a clue. I think these people live in such a delusional world; they believe they are gaining ground on Trump.

They believe they embarrassed Trump. They believe they are reversing the trend against Trump. They believe that all this stuff about Russia and the indictment worked. They think it scores here and there and that it all adds up, and that Trump is hanging on a wire. And they believe the economy … They're going to be able to do something for the economy with the coronavirus, and it's going to be something that will help them.

And they think everything will be perfectly synchronized. Everything will collapse on Trump from fall, late summer and fall and they will win. I don't think they have a clue. I think they got it wrong on everything they tried against Trump, and they are going to explode majestically about it.

Take audio bite number 3. Shannon Bream last night had among her guests Brit Hume, senior political analyst at Fox News, and she played a clip of me and asked for her reaction to it, and this is how it sounded…

BREAM: I want to play a little bit about what Rush Limbaugh had to say today on the left and what they think of the different crises.

ARCHIVE RUSH: What does it mean to say that coronavirus could be an opening for Democrats? This means that people's suffering could be an opening for the Democrats. And they are all delighted. And they can't let go.

HUME: The sense that one could have by looking at a large part of the cover and the commentary: The coronavirus originates from Trump's White House and that the president is trying to spread it as quickly as possible to the greatest number people possible. Which, of course, is nonsense. It is, I think, however, a problem that threatens him politically. Not only because people get sick and because of a foreign flu invasion bothers people, but because if we get a bad quarter in the economy and a continuous contraction in the stock market, some of the main points in his favor on which he will campaign will be taken away. So he still had to worry about it.

RUSH: This is not … Look, with all due respect, this is not what Democrats think when they think the coronavirus is opening them up. It's not that at all. They don't think about the economy. Let's just turn over here. They think they are going to be able to hurt the economy just by reporting them. They have always been able to do this in the past with the help of the media.

No no no no no. This coronavirus means one thing to them: the people who get sick and Donald Trump not knowing what or how to do it. They salute the fact that Trump will be blamed for the sick. Now, that's just who they are. Let's be honest about something else. If Obama were President… Any Democrat! Hillary, take your pick.

If a Democrat was President and that happened, it would also be their fear. Their fear would be that people would blame the President-in-Office, that the President-in-Office would grieve that he could do nothing about it. What would they do then? They would attack the Republicans as you cannot believe.

If there was a Democrat in the White House now and the coronavirus or something similar happened – a hurricane, you call it – they would attack the Republicans past and present for it. They would do everything they could to divert Trump's blame. You go back and watch the Ebola virus when it struck. Look at how they praised Obama. "Well, he was the man of the hour!"

"He was the type to lead. The Republicans wouldn't have known what to do. They politicized almost everything. The idea that this economy is going to crumble? Even if that is what they salivate, why the hell would we want this to happen just so that the Democrats are re-elected to the White House? But everything is theoretical. Everything is theoretical. Let me tell you why it's not applicable.

We now return to Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic presidential candidate.


RUSH: Lambertville, Michigan. Hey, nice to have you with us, Gordon. You are next, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, it's a real honor to speak to you, sir.

RUSH: Thank you very much. Nice to have you here too.

CALLER: Hey, it's a real travesty what the media has done with this coronavirus, I think, because, you know, it's one thing to stand in the wind and rain on a coast and affect a city or two and maybe, you know, a few hundred thousand or millions of people. But now we have a whole continent panicking about it. And what happens when there is really something to fear? You know, what are we going to do then? We're just going to twist our noses and tell them the last time –

RUSH: Let me ask you, why do you think coronavirus may not be something to worry about?

CALLER: Well, it speaks to everyone. I did research online. Obviously, people say, oh, online, online this, online this. But, you know, I'm here, I went to Mexico last week. It's my birthday next week. My wife took me to Mexico. We had no problems. We are back. We are well. And I don't see that. I don't think it's much more than the flu. I have seen numbers. They sort of correlate the number of flu cases with the number of people who get sick and die from it every year.

Of course, this is something to fear, you wash your hands and keep going. But, I mean, there are people competing for toilet paper and other things in grocery stores. It’s just out of proportion in my opinion, and I’m just wondering what’s going to happen when there’s really something very disturbing.

RUSH: Well, it's a valid concern. But I think your question is well taken. The media has given the impression that this is it, precisely because people are fighting over toilet paper and paying a hundred dollars a roll for it. I mean, it's clear – have you seen doctors say anything that would justify the level of fear or panic you see there?

CALLER: Except for those broadcast to mainstream media, no.

RUSH: That's my point.

CALLER: Let them go, yes, no one.

RUSH: We haven't seen the CDC say things or the NIH, these are all people who are now part of the Trump task force. And, friends, let me tell you something about this. And I can get in trouble for that. I won't name any names, but there are a lot of people in this Trump task force who despise him. These are remnants of previous administrations there are very many administrations. Some of these people, I'm sure, think Trump is a jester.


RUSH: I mean there are people at the CDC – and they've been there for years. They've been there longer than Trump in the White House. They have been there (some of them) since before Obama. Same thing at NIH.

You have people at NIH who have been there since the 1980s. You have employees from Homeland Security, Health and Human Services. You have people there, I'll guarantee you … I shouldn't say "guarantee", because I don't really know, but I'm just pretty sure. You have people out there who, say, don't like Donald Trump. They are never misleading, Republicans or Democrats.

Now, these people could be … If they wanted to, they could go to the media like the Intel community did during the Trump-Russia collusion. They could run away from all kinds of things. They could reveal that this virus will wipe out half of the population. They could run away from anything they wanted. If they really wanted to destroy Donald Trump, they could do it. Now I don't … (interrupt)

No, I didn't say this right. If they wanted to wreak real havoc here, they could do it. They have a receptive medium. They have media out there hoping and praying for someone to tell them about this stuff about this virus, and the fact is that it doesn't happen. Members of the health community who are aware of this do not provide the media with the information necessary to create the panic that the media so desperately want to experience.

And yet the opportunity is there. I'm just … I'm bouncing our last interlocutor, because he says, "What happens when there is something really, really bad?" I mean, once this thing runs its course and people realize that it wasn't as bad as the media say, then at some point, are we going to create a bunch of people in the country that will no longer listen to the media? "

I don't know.

I'm just telling you that the media are doing what they can right now to create panic. Watch the headlines on Drudge. Now the headlines on Drudge are nothing more than headlines on the news. You can sit there and complain about Drudge whatever you want, but that's missing the point. I didn't do it on purpose because it is just a story of "end of the human race" after another.

Country by country, this is the end of the human race. This is what is happening in the media today. These are the headlines. It is clear that there are goals that the media are trying to achieve here with this. We all know why. Part of the effort is to get rid of Donald Trump. They cannot help themselves. Whatever the news, it will be adapted, flavored, chipped and formed and directed against Trump in a way that should hurt him.

What I want to tell you is that the people who could provide this kind of information are not the ones who do. So what I want to tell you is that people who are able to find out are not literally responsible for the hysteria that reigns in the media. So you ask, "Well, who is it?" I do not know.

Anonymous sources. It doesn't take much. Here. Take a bite of her 24. I'll give you an example. Take sound bite number 24. It's the esteemed governor of New York. This is Fredo's brother. It’s Andrew Cuomo this afternoon in Albany talking about his coronavirus containment plan.

CUOMO: We will also use the National Guard in the containment area, uh, to deliver food, uh, to homes to help clean up public spaces. Some opinions are that the virus can live on a hard surface like stainless steel or plastic for, uh, two days or more. If that is the case, uh, that is … It would be a significant problem as to why it transmits as it does. It is therefore very important to clean these surfaces – clean them with the right material – and the National Guard will be helpful in this regard.

RUSH: Very good. The New York government has therefore declared a containment zone of one mile to New Rochelle. This is the subject of this announcement. We have a containment area of ​​one mile. Now, if it was a Republican governor, they would call this martial law. Are you calling the National Guard? Are you calling the National Guard? These are the kinds of things that spread rumors. He is not a health official. He is the governor. But it’s…

You have stories like this that fuel … He's a Democrat, doesn't like Trump. I mean, we know the score here. My point is that this is all overkill. There is a rationale for a certain level of concern. (interrupt) Well, yes, you could say it has a containment zone. He just closed the borders of New Rochelle, then he brought in the National Guard to distribute food and clean the surfaces.

So if you violate the containment zone, I wonder … (interrupt) No, I'm sure that doesn't apply to illegal aliens. I’m sure illegal aliens can come and go to New Rochelle and do whatever they want. They are not arrested anywhere else. Why would it stop them? See how it works? (interrupt) Oh, you could have a sanctuary city, you could have a sanctuary state where you would welcome all kinds of people who break the law.

But now we have the coronavirus and we're going to put a containment area around New Rochelle. They must have illegal aliens living there. And if they want to leave? Will they be allowed to leave? Because they have the right to come and go as they please. Is a sanctuary state. Illegal foreigners therefore have a kind of freedom to come and go. My point is, this is the kind of stuff. But he is … He is not a health official.

It is not the NIH. He's not with Johns Hopkins. He's not with Health and Human Services or the National Institutes for Health to say it all. He's just the governor. He is a politician. My only point, friends, is that you go back through the history of the Trump administration / the Trump presidency, and we had all kinds of anonymous sources from the White House Trump, from the west wing, from the oval office.

They wrote anonymous articles about Trump's dangerousness and how: "We have adults in there and we are looking for things for everyone." Everything is fine. We're going to be protected, because Trump doesn't know what he's doing; it is very dangerous. "None of this is happening here. You have a bunch of NIH people in there and a bunch of CDC people in there.

And they could go to town against Trump if they wanted to. Am I clear here? It is a roundabout way of saying that it is probably not yet wise to panic because people who would really know it is time to panic would say so. And if they really wanted to panic to go find Trump or something, then they could easily do it.

And so far, it seems that Trump and Pence's efforts to keep a lid on this and to keep some semblance of normality and non-panic about it are working in this universe.

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