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Boris Johnson Says He Wants To Relax 2 Meter Physical Distance Rule | News from the world


Boris Johnson said he wanted to reduce the 2-meter rule for physical distance despite the government’s chief medical officer who said he should stay put for the duration of the epidemic.

The Prime Minister issued an optimistic note that the lock would be eased after requests from Conservative MPs for a review of the 2-meter rule to help pubs, restaurants, cafes and other places reopen profitably.

We are witnessing continued falls from this disease, death, incidents, he said at the daily press conference at Downing Street. That is why we have been able to take the very careful measures that we have.

We want to take additional steps to unblock our society and try to get back to normal. Finally, I would like to do things like reducing the 2 meter rule, for example.

However, Sir Patrick Vallance, the chief scientific adviser, and Professor Chris Whitty, the chief medical adviser, took a much more cautious tone, stressing that the UK had to move very slowly given the rate of infection current.

Whitty listed a series of measures, including hand washing, a good cough label, the use of face covers and the 2-meter rule that will last as long as this epidemic lasts.

Vallance said there was still a risk of a second wave and highlighted other countries where there had been subsequent epidemics after the physical distancing measures were relaxed.

He said there could be 8,000 new cases of coronavirus a day in the UK and that there was relatively little leeway to facilitate locking.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advice on face masks remained constant during the coronavirus pandemic. He remained true to the rule that masks are intended for healthcare workers and not the public.

Wearing a medical mask is one of the preventive measures that can limit the spread of certain viral respiratory diseases, including Covid-19. However, the use of a mask alone is insufficient to ensure an adequate level of protection, and other measures should also be adopted, said WHO.

However, as some countries have relaxed locking conditions, they have made it mandatory to wear face covers outside as a means of preventing the spread of the virus. It is in the belief that covering the face will prevent people who cough and sneeze from ejecting the virus from a great distance.

There is no solid scientific evidence in the form of tests that ordinary masks prevent the virus from infecting people who wear them. The public also fears that the public does not understand how to use a mask correctly and that it will become infected if it comes into contact with the virus when it removes it and touches its face.

The shortage of high quality protective masks for frontline health workers also underpins WHO concerns.

However, masks do have a role when used by people who are already infected. It is recognized that they can block transmission to other people. Since many people with Covid-19 have no symptoms for the first few days after infection, masks clearly have a potential role to play, especially in crowded public transportation when people return to work.

Sarah Boseley Health Writer

We have a relatively large number which is not yet falling rapidly. This gives relatively little leeway. We have to be careful, he said.

He said the number of deaths is decreasing, but it is not decreasing as quickly as we would like.

Whitty is one of those responsible for keeping the UK coronavirus alert level at four, rather than three, which means that the current level of infection is still high or increasing exponentially.

But he defended governments’ decisions to relax certain blocking measures, such as the partial reopening of schools.

Clearly, there is a very complicated balance for society in terms of the possibility of increasing transmission on the one hand and depriving children of their education on the other, he said.

It is a very difficult balance, but that is where society, as a society, tried to walk between two risks, a risk for education and a risk for health. And transmission rates are now much lower than they were when the schools were closed.

I fully understand, as everyone understands, people who want to think about it, but … the biggest concern is going to be the health of their children and it is a disease that can affect children but is very unlikely to happen. compared to adults.

But he also said the four British chief medical officers were unanimous in believing that the alert level for coronaviruses should remain at four.

He said at the Downing Street press conference: had a downward trend. The alert level is clearly four, but with a downward direction – it was the unanimous opinion of the four chief medical officers on the opinion, the independent opinion, of the Joint Biosecurity Center.

Several MPs, including former environment secretary Theresa Villiers, called for a reduction of the 2-meter rule to save jobs and help reopen the hotel sector.

Johnson had asked members of the Scientific Emergency Advisory Group (SAGE) to review the guidelines, but Number 10 said on Tuesday that the government believes the 2-meter rule should remain in place for now.

Asked about the economic impact of the foreclosure, Johnson admitted on Wednesday that there would be massive job losses, but promised that the government would take a militant approach to revive the economy.

We will be just as interventionist in the next phase, investing in the British economy, investing in infrastructure, moving our country forward so that we bounce back as strongly and decisively as possible, he said.

He said he believed it was vital to ensure that the young people who were likely to be the hardest hit were guaranteed an apprenticeship.

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