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Donald Trump Jr supports WWE superstar for controversial comments


Jaxson Ryker received unwanted feedback for his tweet praising the President. The tragic death of African-American George Floyd has sparked large-scale protests across the country. The WWE Superstar obviously chose the wrong side to support, as it sparked a lot of hatred for his tweet.

Ryker wrote: Thanks for the @POTUS that we have! God bless America. Built of freedom. Forgotten more

The phrase “let’s not forget” at the end received a lot of hatred and the general public hated their support for the President.

Read also РAbsolutely F ***** g Path̩tique- Kevin Owens Blasts Fellow WWE Superstar

Donald Trump Jr. meets WWE superstar

Trump Jr. noticed the WWE superstar’s tweet. Trump Jr. thanked Ryker for his service in the navies and mentions how his father will always do what is good for the United States.

My father will always defend our country and everyone. Thank you for your service in the Marines! Trump Jr. tweeted.

My father will always defend our country and everyone.

Thank you for your service in the Marines!

– Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) June 3, 2020

Jaxson Ryker is a former Marine who served in the Iraq war. He started his professional wrestling career in 2001, but it took him 16 years to reach WWE. On the current SmackDown list, Ryker has yet to make a remarkable impact among fans.

The Ryker controversy

President Donald Trump recently spoke to the public and said he would deploy the military to uphold law and order in the country. Ryker decided to give his share of political support to the president, but that declined.

Jaxson Rykers of the Forgotten Sons was surrounded by haters because of a single tweet. Enraged viewers searched and found an old Superstar message he calls the notion of Black Lives Matter like a trash can. Ryker tried to resolve the situation, but the damage was done.

WWE superstars have also raged against Ryker. You would expect your co-workers to support you, but this was not the case here, as superstars such as Kevin Owensm Mustafa Ali and others have made their views very clear on Ryker’s support for Trump. Read some of their tweets below.

The freedom you speak of gives you the right to express your mind whatever you want. I am not here to argue that. I just really need to tell you that I think you are pushing your shit wrestling slogan because all of this is going on is absolutely pathetic.

Good night.

– Kevin (@FightOwensFight) June 2, 2020

Thank you for posting this because I am now aware of what you stand for. When black brothers and sisters cry, you hire someone who refuses to acknowledge their injury.

– Mustafa Ali / Adeel Alam (@AliWWE) June 2, 2020

It remains to be seen how this scenario will affect Ryker in his career. Ryker changed the settings for his social media account just to make sure people don’t dig deeper. The Superstar having realized his mistake, he could use time to fix things on his behalf.

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