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Economy continues to grow 2.9%, Arief Poyuono congratulates Jokowi’s economic team reporter Genius Lusius reports

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The vice-president of the Gerindra party, Arief Poyuono, said that the economic team of President Joko Widodo deserves praise or even deserves to be qualified as a public hero.

He said that in the midst of the Covid-19 situation with the implementation of the PSBB in major cities, which of course had an impact on the national economy, he said that the Indonesian economy continued to grow at about 2.9%.

“The economic team of President Joko Widodo must be appreciated and a warrior and a hero of the community. With the PSBB, it turns out that the national economy continues to grow at around 2.9%,” he said. he declared Friday in the Tribune (6/5/2020).

Arief also discussed changes in the state’s budgetary position in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to him, the change in the posture of the 2020 state budget occurred because Jokowi pointed to the widening of the deficit or of the state budget due to the program of epidemic management Covid-19 and has was mentioned by Jokowi at the opening of a special limited meeting to discuss the national economic recovery program (PEN) practically Wednesday (3/6 / 2020).

“With regard to changes in the posture of the state budget in 2020, President Joko Widodo has received a report that various developments in the management of Covid-19 and various strategic steps for economic recovery have resulted in additional spending that had implications for increasing the state budget deficit, “said Arief.

The finance ministry, said Arief Poyuono, has released a new deficit projection.

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The state budget for 2020 is expected to reach 6.27% or more than the previous forecast. This was stated in Perpres No. 54 of 2020.

According to the regulations, Arief said, the government said the state budget deficit was 5.07 percent of GDP or equivalent to 852.9 trillion rupees.

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He said that no economic team in a country or an economist would be able and able to project the size of their country’s budgets precisely because of the impact of Covid-19.

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“Today the world is due to Covid-19, in particular to economic problems, which are entering an era of global uncertainty. Due to the discovery of the Covid-19 vaccine and drug and the ignorance of the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, “he said.

“To be able to plan correctly if all the countries of the world agree to enter into a new normal order of activities,” he said.

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