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US offers Patriot system if Russian S-400s are not operated: Turkey | Turkey News


The United States has offered to sell Turkey its Patriot missile defense system if Ankara promises not to use a rival Russian system, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in what he called significant easing of Washington's position.

Two Turkish officials told Reuters news agency that Turkey was evaluating the US offer, but added that Ankara had not changed its plans for the Russian S-400 systems, which she announced will start activating next month.


Turkey and the United States, NATO allies, objected to Ankara's purchase of S-400s, which Washington says are incompatible with systems, last year Defense of the Alliance.

After heavy fighting this year in the Idlib region in northwestern Syria, Turkey has asked Washington to deploy patriots along its border with Syria for protection.

But the United States has said that Turkey cannot have both the S-400 and the Patriots.

Speaking to reporters on his return flight from Brussels, Erdogan said that Ankara had told Washington to deploy Patriot systems in Turkey and that it was also ready to buy the systems in the United States. United.

"We made this offer in the United States on the Patriot: if you are going to give us Patriots, do it. We can also buy you Patriots," he said.

"They have also softened a lot on this S-400 problem. They are now about to promise us that you will not make the S-400 operational," added Erdogan.

Previous discussions between Turkey and the United States over the purchase of the Patriots have collapsed over a multitude of issues, from the S-400s to dissatisfaction in Ankara over Washington's conditions. Turkey has stated that it will only accept an offer if it includes conditions for technology transfer and joint production.

Conflict in Syria

While ties between Ankara and Washington have been strained, the United States has offered its support to its ally as it fights to stop the advances of the Russian-backed Syrian government in Idlib.

But U.S. officials said Tuesday that Ankara needs to clarify its position on the S-400 for their security ties to advance.

The U.S. Special Representative for Syria, James Jeffrey, and the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, David Satterfield, told reporters during a conference call from Brussels that Washington was talking to the NATO for the support it can provide militarily to Turkey.

Jeffrey also said they had considered possible responses if Russia and the Syrian government broke a ceasefire in Idlib, officials said.

He suggested that other NATO countries could individually or as an alliance provide military support to help Turkey.

But he ruled out sending ground troops and said that there was still a need to resolve the S-400 problem before security relations could go ahead.

"You can forget about the troops on the ground. Turkey has demonstrated that it and its opposition forces are more than capable of holding the ground on their own," said Jeffrey.

"The problem is the situation in the air, and that is what we are examining," he said, adding that Washington did not believe that Russia and Syria had any interest in a permanent ceasefire in Idlib.

"They want a military victory in Syria, and our goal is to make it difficult for them," said Jeffrey.

"Our goal is … to make them think twice. If they ignore our warnings and preparations and move forward, we will respond as quickly as possible in consultation with our allies. NATO and Europe on what the package of sanctions and other reactions will be like. "

"Position unchanged"

While Erdogan frequently called the purchase of S-400 a "contract concluded" and said that Turkey would not back down, he did not repeat this position in his comments on Tuesday.

However, the Turkish authorities have declared that Turkey's position remains unchanged.

"The United States has once again presented the Patriot offer. The firm position of the United States is no longer the case. They are approaching Turkey with more empathy now," said a senior official.

"The main condition is that the S-400 is not activated, or in other words, that it is not unpacked. This offer is being evaluated, but it is not there is no change of position on the S-400 ", said the official. anonymity requirement.

Another Turkish official told Reuters that Washington's latest offer also included Turkey's return to the F-35 stealth fighter program, in which Ankara was involved both as a parts maker 39; aircraft and aircraft customer.

After Ankara bought the S-400s, Washington suspended its involvement in the program and threatened sanctions.

"There is an American offer for the Patriots, but that offer includes the F-35s," said the Turkish official on condition of anonymity.

"The air defense systems can be purchased, but the conditions in Turkey are clear: there must be problems like the transfer of know-how and joint production."

Turkey announced plans to activate the S-400s received from Russia in April. The United States has warned that such a move would result in sanctions, although Ankara has repeatedly said that good ties between Erdogan and US President Donald Trump could perhaps avoid this.

Under US law, known as the Countering America & # 39; s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), the purchase of defense equipment from Russia could result in sanctions. However, the President can choose to issue a waiver.

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