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In Idaho primary race, Gov. Little and Lt. Gov. McHeachin go head-to-headExBulletin

In Idaho primary race, Gov. Little and Lt. Gov. McHeachin go head-to-headExBulletin


Republican Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, right, shortly before greeting a crowd on the steps of the Idaho Capitol in Boise on May 19, 2021 as she announces her candidacy for the 2022 gubernatorial race. James Dawson/Boise State Public Radio .

toggle captionJames Dawson/Boise State Public Radio

Republican Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, right, shortly before greeting a crowd on the steps of the Idaho Capitol in Boise on May 19, 2021 as she announces her candidacy for the 2022 gubernatorial race.

James Dawson / Boise State Public Radio

Idaho Gov. Brad Little hopes to fend off major challenges from the far right on Tuesday as he seeks a second term.

Little, a longtime political figure in the state establishment, faces his second-in-command, Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, along with a handful of other Republican hopefuls.

McGeachin, who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, promises to ban private companies from implementing vaccination mandates and promotes private militias.

“The ideal situation is for local militias to work hand-in-hand with local sheriffs, who will replace and use militia members as needed,” she wrote on her campaign website.

McGeachin has long had ties to members of the militia and sparked outrage when she appeared in a recorded speech played at the America First Political Action Conference.

When asked by a local television presenter if she knew AFPAC organizer, white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes, McGeachin said no.

She said Fuentes’ past comments, which she said she hadn’t heard, “[do] not to think about who I am or who the thousands of others who participate in this movement are.”

Commenters heckled her, writing all caps like ‘people ask why we don’t want women in politics’ and urging her to ‘get back in the kitchen’. Others claimed she was wearing a shirt with symbols related to the radical and debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

McGeachin also joins forces with other far-right figures, including Michelle Malkin, who championed the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and who she says asked him to submit a video to AFPAC.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who supported McGeachin, suggested on Saturday that the fatal shooting in Buffalo, NY, was orchestrated by the federal government. Police say the 18-year-old suspect sought to kill black people in the attack and touted racist ideology in a screed posted online.

In Idaho, the governor and lieutenant governor do not run on the same ticket.

Governor Brad Little seen here in 2021 at Nampa High School in Nampa, Idaho, focused his re-election campaign on delivering record tax breaks and reducing government regulations James Dawson/Boise State Public Radio mask la legend

toggle captionJames Dawson/Boise State Public Radio

Governor Brad Little seen here in 2021 at Nampa High School in Nampa, Idaho, focused his re-election campaign on delivering record tax breaks and reducing government regulations

James Dawson / Boise State Public Radio

Little and McGeachin’s relationship has been tenuous at best for the past two years. At one point early in the pandemic, the two hadn’t spoken in weeks.

“Well, that doesn’t make it any easier. I can tell you that,” he told Boise State Public Radio when asked how the two could have an effective working relationship without to talk to.

In May 2020, she, along with other politicians, visited a brewery in north-central Idaho that opened in defiance of Little’s reopening plan.

Since then, McGeachin has clashed with the governor several times.

She issued two executive orders while serving as governor when Little was out of state, one banning mask mandates, which were never issued statewide, and another banning governments to implement the COVID-19 vaccine or testing mandates.

The governor immediately repealed them, saying McGeachin had overthrown his authority.

Fueled by outrage over public health mandates, the number of far-right activists and politicians has grown in Idaho over the past two years alongside waves of COVID-19 that have stretched hospital capacity. here near its breaking point.

Few people in Idaho have had to endure such a backlash over the pandemic response more than Little and this election has become a referendum on its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

He was the first Republican governor in the West to issue a stay-at-home order in March 2020 and was immediately pushed back by members of his own party.

Some have even compared his actions to those of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.

But in mid-June 2020, Little relinquished control of the state’s pandemic response to Idaho’s seven regional public health districts. He never imposed a statewide mask mandate and signed an executive order banning vaccine passports.

After the Idaho campaign failed to convince nearly half the state to get fully vaccinated, Little instead embraced his white-hot economic recovery, partly based on state budget cuts. at the start of the pandemic.

Little recently reported that April tax receipts more than doubled analysts’ forecasts and signaled a projected budget surplus of $1.3 billion for the current fiscal year.

In a press release last week, he pledged to put more money back in the pockets of Idahoans on top of record tax cuts in the past two years.

Other far-right candidates are following McGeachin’s lead in seeking a statewide seat in the Republican Party primary.

For the attorney general, Congressional Freedom Caucus co-founder Raul Labrador passed and overtook Lawrence Wasden, the state’s outgoing AG.

State Representative Priscilla Giddings, who was censured last year by her House colleagues for sharing the name and photo of a rape victim on her Facebook page, wants to succeed McGeachin as Lt. governor.

Two state legislators, Dorothy Moon and Mary Souza, who both falsely insist that President Biden lost the 2020 presidential election, want to become Idaho’s secretary of state. The office oversees elections, among other functions.

Stephen Heidt, who works at Idaho’s largest prison complex, is the only Democrat on Tuesday’s ballot. Shelby Rognstad, mayor of the resort town of Sandpoint, failed to register as a Democrat during the filing period and embarked on a write-in campaign.




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