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Chinese President Xi Jinping pledges to open the door to the world more widely

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledges to open the door to the world more widely


What’s new: China’s commitment to opening up will not change, and the country will only open its doors wider to the outside world, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday.

The president delivered the message in a video speech to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the World Trade and Investment Summit in Beijing. China is still relatively closed off in many parts of the country as it battles the worst pandemic outbreak in two years.

We must pursue dialogue rather than confrontation, tear down walls rather than build them, integration rather than decoupling, and inclusion rather than exclusion, Xi said.

China will actively carry out international cooperation in research and development, production and distribution of vaccines, and strengthen global public health governance, Xi said.

The President called on countries to work together to advance the United Nations 2020 Agenda for Sustainable Development, support the World Trade Organization’s multilateral trading system and maintain the security and stability of industrial and supply chains. world.

Xi also pledged to foster an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for science and technology development.

The background: Since the start of the pandemic, China has implemented strict restrictions and quarantine policies for travelers to the country. China slashed the weekly number of incoming flights by almost 90% in March 2020 by applying strict entry bans. In April 2021, China allowed some flights to reduce capacity by 40% if positive cases were discovered instead of facing immediate suspension.

Since the global rise of the highly transmissible omicron variant, a number of carriers have been hit with extra-long eight-week service suspensions.

China’s civil aviation regulator recently pledged to firmly stick to the dynamic zero-Covid policy and general strategy to prevent imported cases and the resurgence of internal cases.

Quick Takes are condensed versions of China-related stories for quick news that you can use. To read the full story in Chinese, click here.

Contact journalist Denise Jia ([email protected]) and editor Bob Simonon ([email protected])

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