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Azadi March protesters were armed, admits Imran Khan

Azadi March protesters were armed, admits Imran Khan


Former Prime Minister Imran Khan speaks to a private news channel on May 30, 2022. Pictured: Screen capture from Twitter/PTIOfficial video.

ISLAMABAD: Despite constantly claiming to be organizing a peaceful march to the federal capital, Pakistan’s President Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former Prime Minister Imran Khan has admitted that protesters accompanying him on the “March Azadi” carried weapons with them. .

Speaking in an interview with a private TV channel about the PTI’s ‘Azadi march’ and clashes between party members and police, the former prime minister said he believed the country would have gone towards anarchy.

“There was already hatred among the people because of the raids carried out by the Punjab police a day before the march,” Khan said, adding that he “was 100% sure that the situation would lead to chaos”.

“Our people also had weapons on them. I was afraid that the country would now face riots,” Khan told the reporter.

He said that this would have led to hatred against the police, institutions and a division in the country among the people and that this situation would only have benefited the “thieves” in power.

Speaking of the raids on the homes of several PTI leaders, he said the government blamed the PTI for the death of the martyr constable. “Anyone would have thought a thief broke into a house at 2 a.m.,” he said. “We have never engaged in a policy of provocation.”

Meanwhile, Imran Khan on Monday asked Pakistan’s Supreme Court to appoint supervisory judges in cases involving Sharifs. Addressing a barristers’ convention in Peshawar, he said the PTI was awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision on the long march and also sought protection from the SC.

Imran Khan said all previous governments in Pakistan had been overthrown due to corruption except the one led by the PTI, Geo News reported. “As our government was not deposed because of corruption, people took to the streets instead of handing out sweets.”

He said the current political environment in the country poses a real challenge to the judiciary as well as the country’s lawyers. “So I want the lawyer community to support me because they and the justice system as a whole play an important role in saving the country,” he said.

During his speech, Imran Khan again criticized the incumbent government and blamed it for conspiring with the United States to overthrow it. The PTI Chairman went on to explain how the US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Donald Lu, had threatened the Pakistani Ambassador to the US and detailed how he believed the government led by the PTI had been ousted from power by the opposition of the time.

“They [the then opposition] included suckers, which is why the United States wanted to bring them back to power. Hailing the performance of his government, the ex-prime minister said that Pakistan had performed better in the past two years in the economic sector than in the past.

“The country experienced economic growth of 5.6% in 2021 and 6% in 2022,” Imran Khan said, adding that the country had achieved record tax collection targets during his tenure. “India – which is a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) country – bought oil from Russia at lower prices and reduced oil prices in their country while our government raised prices.”

He said Pakistan was ruled by the military but two political families – Sharifs and Zardaris – monopolized the political realm and remained in power for the past 62 years.

“I ruled for three and a half years and they started having problems with my government just because Pakistan wanted to maintain cordial relations with other countries but refused to wage their wars,” he said. . He went on to criticize the former government for allowing the United States to authorize drone attacks in Pakistan.

“We had no relationship with 9/11. I will not give the bases of Pakistan to America,” the former prime minister said, adding that Pakistan does not want bad relations with any country or want to become their slave. Speaking about the Masjid-e-Nabawi (PSL) incident, Imran Khan said that the current government was “cursed by Allah to such an extent that people, even when present in a holy place, could not help to chant slogans against these corrupt leaders”.

“What was our [PTI’s] What is the fault if ordinary people chant slogans against these people in Medina?” the former prime minister asked. Imran Khan slammed the PMLN and said the Supreme Court had rightly called the Sharif family a “mafia Sicilian”.

“I have never seen anyone dirtier than this family,” he said, adding that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif killed a record number of people between 1997 and 1998 in clashes with police. . “If these people stay in government, the rule of law in the country will be destroyed,” the PTI president said.

Referring to the government’s decision to launch a crackdown on PTI workers during the “Azadi March” last week, Imran Khan said the party had approached Pakistan’s Supreme Court.

“Tomorrow we will submit our case to the CS for a hearing,” he said. “I didn’t want chaos in the country. PTI will now take to the streets with preparations and planning,” he concluded.

Addressing the lawyers’ convention, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan announced the use of force against the federal government. He said they had participated in the Long March without arms in the previous Long March, but would now use provincial force.

The KP Chief Minister has also announced that he will file a lawsuit against the Federal Government for the martyrdom of the party workers and consultation with the legal team is ongoing in this regard. Mahmood Khan further stated that they had participated in the previous Long March unarmed, but would now use the KP force when Imran Khan announced a Long March.

Taking a dig at the prime minister, he said Shehbaz Sharif wanted to sell his clothes to Bisham but no one wanted to buy his clothes. Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) Senator Pervaiz Rasheed meanwhile said that Imran Khan had confessed to his crime saying that “his people carried arms during the march”.

In a tweet, he said that now the former prime minister insisted that the Supreme Court give him the right to create anarchy and attack [the federal capital again]”Anokha ladla, khelan ko eat fasad” [What an amazing darling he is, asking for a permission to spread anarchy]the senior politician mocked the PTI leader in a famous line of classic Urdu poetry.

Federal Water Resources Minister Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah, responding to a question from presenter Shahzeb Khanzada on the Geo News program, said he had said from day one that PTI lawmakers would not resign from the National Assembly , adding that it would be all the better if they returned to Parliament.

The PPP leader said this in that the NA president had started checking the resignations at a time when the PTI MPAs were considering whether to return to Parliament or not, asking the PPP leader if he would be good for the PTI to return to Parliament.

He said Imran Khan himself had admitted that his party activists had brought weapons to the long march, adding that former interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed had called the long march a “bloody march”. “, asking what the government should do; if he should go for the bloodshed.

He added that it is now said that the Khyber Pakhtunkwa police will also participate in the long march, which is a very dangerous trend, adding that the government should decide what it can do to deal with it.

He said the government would see what the Constitution says in the event that a province attacks or attempts to invade the Center and will deal with it in accordance with the interpretation of the Constitution.




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