Opposition dream of “minus one” will not come true: Imran
Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Tuesday that the opposition’s “minus one” hopes could not succeed, saying that no one could overthrow his government unless he maintained his position and his principles were right.
In his speech to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister said that he lives in his own house and supports all his household expenses without fear of losing his job. “The opposition hope of” minus one “cannot succeed, and in case I do not stay in power, the other members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf will not spare these elements tainted with corruption and money laundering, “he added.
The Prime Minister, while expressing his firm determination to transform the country along the lines of the state of Madina, declared that all those who pillaged and pillaged public money will have to face the law, whatever the pressures. government policies. He said that the authority conferred on a person like him is a temporary thing, but adherence to noble ideas and the continuation of the struggle are essential to overcome all hardships.
Tearing down the opposition parties hard, the Prime Minister wondered why they had opposed his government when some of them said they were “liberal” while the others brandished their religious influence. “They only have one program to cover their corruption. They are there to dismantle the government so that their misdeeds of corruption and corruption do not surface. They have such fears hiding in their minds, ”he said. “The ups and downs are common in a long and difficult struggle, but you must not give up on goals and ideas,” he said.
With regard to the chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party, Bilawal Bhutto, the Prime Minister said that he had obtained the leadership of the party without any struggle. Referring to criticisms of Khawaja Asif, he said that the leader of the Pakistani Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) was working in a foreign company when he served the country as foreign minister. The governments of Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif, he added, have eroded the country’s morality with their creeping and swarming trails of corruption.
Prime Minister said opposition parties hope to obtain a National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) as a law to evade legal proceedings, but they will get none because the two NROs granted by Musharraf in the past have caused losses irreparable to the country and destroyed. the very fabric of society.
The Prime Minister said he had promised the nation his vision for the state of Medina, in which the oppressed and poor segments of society are lifted and cared for. Deflating criticism from opposition leaders, he said it did not bother them and quoted a maxim “mind over the matter”.
Imran Khan said Khawaja Asif, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs said in an interview with the Asia Society that his party (PML-N) was liberal but that the PTI had religious affiliations. “Indeed, such leaders are liberally corrupt,” maintained the Prime Minister, and regretted that for decades leaders like these, in order to save their skin, had repeatedly stated during American visits that they were the only Liberals while the rest were extremists.
Withdraw all of my coherent statements about the state of Madina, “he said, adding for the first time that he had spoken to the United Nations General Assembly about the functions of the Riasat-e-Madina , which was created on the principles of equity, equality, justice, compassion, social security and lifting the conditions of the oppressed.
The Prime Minister also referred to statements by Nawaz Sharif, whom he had made as Prime Minister in the National Assembly regarding his properties. All of his documents later turned out to be false at the Supreme Court, including the Qatari letter, he said, adding that when the head of the country lied about his money laundering and the looting of public money what type of moral values they cultivated and what message they sent abroad. People like Khawja Asif were not democrats because they continued to defend these corrupt elements, who had been condemned by the Supreme Court, he argued.
He said the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense had all worked as employees abroad, which did not even happen in a banana republic. “They were not paid with wages but something else. How the country’s loan burden has gone from 6 trillion rupees to 30 trillion rupees in a decade over their governments, ”he asked.
Mentioning the effects of the foreclosure, he said that the provinces enjoyed autonomy after the adoption of the 18th constitutional amendment, but in case they had asked for his approval for a complete foreclosure as in Sindh province, there surely would not have joined.
The Prime Minister also insisted on the introduction of reforms in the entities and public companies of bleeding and losses, in particular Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) and Pakistan International Airlines. He also called the accumulation of energy sector circular debt a huge liability inherited from past regimes. He said that all entities needed drastic changes and reforms, and said the government was ready for such changes.
These elements would resist such measures, which had benefited from the status quo and corruption, he said and quoted the PIA, which was once a pride of the nation but which is now experiencing massive losses due to certain mafias . In 11 years, he said, his 10 chief executives were changed while the incumbent was drawn into legislation, he said.
The Prime Minister described the reforms as imperative for the electricity sectors, the railways, the PSM and the PIA. He said that in Pakistan’s steel factories, the government alone paid Rs.3.4 trillion for wages. The PPP government had made political intrusions into and destroyed the PIA and the steelworks.
In the first year of his government, he said, out of a total of Rs.4 trillion, they had to pay Rs.2 trillion in interest on the loans. He said that there were cartels in different sectors and cited the functioning of such a coterie in the sugar sector in which a determined clique made exceptional profits but refused to share its responsibilities towards the country and the compatriots in paying taxes.
Expressing his determination, the Prime Minister declared that the mission of his government was to make all cartels accountable before the law. Monopolies and cartels, he said, could not function without the condescension of past governments. Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif owned sweets to launder their black money, he added. He said that investigations would be carried out in all sectors and that the government would find all the elements that had plundered the country.
The Prime Minister said there was no doubt that India was behind an attack on the Karachi stock exchange building. “There is no doubt that India is behind the attack,” said the prime minister, adding that India was trying to destabilize the country and create an atmosphere of uncertainty. He said there had been intelligence reports warning of attacks in Pakistan and that he had informed his cabinet of the threat. He said intelligence has successfully prevented at least four major attacks in the country, including two against Islamabad – but said it was not possible to end all of these attacks.
The Prime Minister notably spoke of the value and immense sacrifices made by the police and security agents who thwarted the terrorist attack. He praised the sacrifices of the “heroes of Pakistan”, including sub-inspector Shahid Shaheed, and the stock market guards Ifitkhar, Khudayar and Hassan Ali. His sister suffered a cardiac arrest and could not survive hearing the news of the incident.
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