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Donald Trump refuses to lead as pandemic worsens and allies abandon him on masks


Trump is now pretty much the only authority figure on either side – including his main Republican allies – who refuse to wear or endorse masks that have been shown to slow the spread of the coronavirus, but that he branded as a liberal plot to harm him politically.

“We should not have any stigma, none, about wearing masks when we leave our homes and approach other people. Wearing simple face covers is not about protecting ourselves, it is about protecting everyone those we meet, “said Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. Monday in the Senate.

But Trump cryptically tweeted “THE LONE WARRIOR!” – apparently embracing its very isolation from political allies and scientific approaches that have been found elsewhere to slow the spread of the coronavirus at least in the short term.

Undeterred by the worsening national crisis, Trump goes ahead with plans for a celebration of early July fourth at Mount Rushmore that will symbolically and ironically put him alongside four of the most revered presidents of United States, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. Social distancing advised by the Trump government will not be applied.The White House held a briefing on Wednesday, but it seemed to be a premeditated attempt by White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to mist the water around another drama shaking Trump – claims that he did nothing on a Russian military intelligence plan to put a premium on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan. McEnany left the briefing room before he could be asked about the pandemic. The presumed Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, whose current lead in most general election polls can be partly explained by the performance. Trump during the pandemic jumped on the latest serious developments to castigate the President.

Grasping Trump’s remark in April that he was now a “war president,” Biden adopted a scathing tone of mockery.

“What happened? Now it’s almost July, and it looks like our wartime president has surrendered – waved the white flag and left the battlefield,” said the Democrat in a speech in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.

In the void left by resolute guidelines that only the person from the Oval Office can provide, the coronavirus is accelerating its lethal march across the country, with 36 states now seeing cases increase and at least 16 slowing reopening plans championed by the President while hospital emergency rooms are seeing increasing admissions, suggesting that a rapidly increasing death toll could be in a few days.

Far from the four presidents whose images he will investigate in North Dakota, Trump’s perverse failure to intensify the federal government’s efforts to combat the worsening of a pandemic in which he said the United States had “prevailed” began to resemble the indifference of Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Refuse to lead

As the rest of the Western world continues with plans to reopen after governments cut their curves – and ban American tourists due to soaring infection rates in the U.S. – Trump appears to have made a political calculation that the best approach is to refuse to lead.

Building a successful federal government response at this point would require the ability to unite the country and brainstorm innovative solutions, as well as a president who is a master of detail and can unleash the promise of science and empathize with compatriots at a tragic time.

But Trump’s alternative method of presidential leadership has remained blocked. The country’s division – between Republican governors who are itching for the open economy and Democrats who were worried about a viral resurgence – has proven disastrous for the states that support it. The Trumpian tactic of demonizing opponents, lying about the facts and building an alternate reality in which everything is fine has been revealed by the pandemic.

And despite all of his claims to be a builder, Trump has failed to build solutions in nearly four years in power.

Many Trump supporters voted for the president in 2016 because they felt betrayed by the status quo and the political establishment. His still healthy notes from his base suggest that not all voters share the horror of much in Washington because of his neglect or even think that Trump should play a role in the fight against the pandemic that almost all of his predecessors would surely have demanded. for themselves.

And the president is not directly to blame for the young Americans who continue to flock to bars or beaches or those who refuse to obey the rules of social distancing or to wear masks in behaviors that could make the business or the reopening of safer and more sustainable economies.

But Trump’s very refusal to lead by example and explain the gravity of the situation, coupled with his habit of prioritizing his own political perspectives and interests over the national interest, has left much of the rest of the country in the dark. trouble.

A former senior administration official who spoke to CNN’s Jim Acosta on Tuesday referred to the president’s frustration with intelligence briefings related to the latest Russian drama, their comment also learned from his role in the pandemic.

“He is usually frustrated with intelligence because it shows a problem but does not provide an answer,” said the former official.

As several former presidents have noted, the only problems that reach the Oval Office are those that others have failed to resolve.

Scary statistics but it could get worse

Days of scary statistics tell a devastating story that cannot be hidden by the Trump team’s turn. The United States accounts for only 4% of the world’s population, but accounts for a quarter of all coronavirus cases. On average, more than 1,000 Americans die every day from the disease. Some 126,000 people have already died. Black Americans are twice as likely to die, according to figures that reflect the racial disparities that are currently leading to another national crisis.

It is a measure of the strange limbo caused by the blockages that the human toll that these numbers represent – as well as the serious economic plague caused by a pandemic that Trump has denied for months, mismanaged, politicized and then ignored again – is hidden to many Americans.

As bad as the latest statistics are, Fauci spoke of the horrible prospect that things will get worse, a discouraging prospect in a country already torn apart by months of social distancing and foreclosure.

“We now have more than 40,000 new cases a day. I would not be surprised if we went to 100,000 a day if that did not happen and I am therefore very concerned,” Fauci told a Senate committee on Tuesday.

Fauci expressed dismay at the people who gathered in the crowd and wearing no masks and insufficient attention to federal directives on reopening that the president refused to apply.

“We will continue to have a lot of problems and there will be a lot of trouble if it does not stop,” he said.

While Trump shows no willingness to change course and set a national example or lead a federal response to the virus, other medical experts are concerned that the upcoming July 4 holiday will trigger an outbreak of infections similar to the one that seems to have been triggered by Memorial Day. at the end of May.

“The virus is spreading quickly. It’s time to act,” said Marc Boom, president and CEO of the Methodist Hospital in Houston. Texas as a whole, which is experiencing a rapidly increasing curve, reported a record 6,975 new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday.

Another state that is the epicenter of the protracted coronavirus outbreak is Florida, which recorded more than 6,000 new cases on Tuesday. But Republican governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump ally, continued to play down the situation, arguing that it was good news that young people – who have traditionally been less severely affected by Covid-19 – were a higher proportional group. of those who tested positive than in the past.

“We will not come back, closing things down,” said DeSantis.

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