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Greeks are Nazis, Fascists, Barbarians | Comment


Regarding Recep Tayyip Erdogan, it's not just German Chancellor Angela Merkel who is Nazi; the same is true of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. And while French President Emmanuel Macron is "brain dead" and all Europeans are "fascists", the Greeks are "barbarians". Once again, the Turkish president went too far, making vulgar accusations and comparing the Nazi atrocities.

He had brought similar charges against Merkel when the German government banned pre-election rallies in favor of Erdogan for the April 2017 Turkish referendum. He accused her, as well as Martin Schulz, of " Nazi tactics ”again in September of the same year for comments on Turkish-European relations.

Speaking to his party's parliamentary group on Wednesday, Erdogan showed photographs of the Greek-Turkish border and said that "there is no difference between what the Nazis did and what we see from the Greek border. " He then described the Greek authorities as "fascists" and "barbarians".

This is what "democratic" Erdogan thinks. What is so outrageous is that such references are made by the President of a country which continues to aspire to membership of the European Union while trying to resuscitate the Ottoman Empire.

Erdogan seems to have been unleashed by recent events: difficulties in Syria and Libya; to be ridiculed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who let him wait outside the hall where they were to meet in Moscow; choose fights with everyone instead of sticking to the "zero problem with neighbors" philosophy.

At the same time, he loses his grip on the home front and sees old allies like Ahmet Davutoglu and Ali Babacan launch their own parties.

Yesterday he openly admitted that Turkish navy ships would "hunt" the Greeks in the Aegean Sea – a comment that came after a Hellenic coast guard ship was hit by a Turkish ship – and ordered its air force to fly over Evros.

Merkel and Macron, who recently thanked Greece for guarding the "borders of Europe" and are scheduled to meet Erdogan in Istanbul in a few days for talks that will include the new migrant crisis, are called upon to attend. Talk with the Turkish President and his external relations. ambition to control.

But to what extent can the West continue to show evidence of an authoritarian leader who not only imprisons thousands of its citizens – including journalists – but also feels free to make disparaging references and comparisons that insult the memory of victims of the Holocaust?

As the Central Council of Jewish Communities in Greece recently stated: "The policy of the Turkish government to exploit innocent people and to create impressions by trivializing the Holocaust for political ends does not is nothing but an obscene and despicable operation of misinformation and disorientation of world public opinion. . "

His comparisons of border events with the Holocaust also sparked a terse response Wednesday from the head of the American Jewish Committee, David Harris. Speaking to Twitter, Harris wrote, "Turkish Pres. Erdogan accused Greece of doing "what the Nazis did", citing the border crisis he created. Do migrants in Turkey face the Holocaust? Are they fleeing to save their lives? If so, Erdogan should be held accountable. Otherwise, he should visit Auschwitz and learn about the real Nazis. "

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