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Rumpus at NA as Minister attacks PPP leadership – Journal


ISLAMABAD: One day after the adoption of the federal budget, the National Assembly witnessed tumult Tuesday due to a verbal confrontation and slogans on both sides of the aisle after President Asad Qaiser gave ministers full latitude Ali Zaidi ports and shipping to end his speech. in which he personally attacked the leadership of the Pakistan People’s Party, but did not allow PPPs Abdul Qadir Patel to give a response.

The speaker, who reluctantly gave Mr. Patel the floor, turned off his microphone when he began his speech with the 1997 Los Angeles court verdict in the Sita White case girl named Tyrian, causing a strong reaction from the Treasury banks.

At one point, loyal PPP Syed Naveed Qamar, who is otherwise known for his reconciliation role in the home, was seen rushing to the treasure banks after removing his coat, defying the ministers for a physical fight with him.

Do they enhance the prestige of parliaments? Come fight, I take off my coat, said Qamar when he was not allowed to speak by ministers when the speaker gave him the floor to respond to Mr. Zaidis’ speech. Later, Mr. Qamar asked the speaker to give the floor to Mr. Patel since the Minister had named him in his speech.

Opposition members staged a walkout when the speaker, instead of giving Mr. Patel the floor, started submitting additional requests for more than Rs 544 billion in grants to the House. approval.

Opposition protest before Parliament; challenges PM to get vote of confidence

Opposition members then organized a demonstration in front of the Parliament on the avenue of the Constitution against the rise of the prices, the increase of the oil prices and the alleged biased attitude of the speaker.

A few minutes after the opposition walkout, Prime Minister Imran Khan entered the house and remained present until the approval of additional subsidies and the extension of the house after his closing speech at the budget session.

Everything went well until Ali Zaidi asked to speak on a point of personal explanation, saying that he wanted to respond to Monday’s speech by PPP president Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, who had it called a corrupt minister.

The minister denied the bribery charges and said that if a one-penny bribery were proven against him, he should be publicly insulted and would never show his face to Prime Minister Khan.

Zaidi alleged that it was the PPP that caused terrorism in the country with the hijacking of a PIA plane in 1981 by its organization Al-Zulfiqar. He said he had the evidence to reveal the criminal activities of the PPP on assembly floor.

Quoting a report from the joint investigation team into the alleged criminal activities of Uzair Baloch and Nisar Morai, the minister said that for decades the PPP had led Sindh by employing criminals, land grabbers and extortionists and investigation reports made it clear that they were on the payroll of senior party officials.

He alleged that Nisar Morai and Uzair Baloch had obtained key positions in the Sindh fisheries department on the recommendations of Faryal Talpur, sister of former president Asif Zardari, and that they used to contribute funds looted from Karachi industrialists and businessmen.

Nisar Morai confessed to being involved in three murders and fled Pakistan on instructions from the PfP in March 2016, and Uzair Baloch admitted to killing more than 150 innocent people, his involvement in ethnic cleansing and the promotion of violence in Karachi , did he declare.

He alleged that Saeed Khan, who had been appointed to the fisheries department by the PPP, gave millions of rupees to Uzair Baloch and Faryal Talpur.

In addition, he alleged that an investigation report by SP Rizwan of the Sindh police had appointed Saeed Ghanis Farhan Ghani’s brother as drug hawker of Chanesar Goth and Mehmoodabad. He stated that PPP MNA Patel had also been mentioned in these reports. He also accused the president of the Sindh Assembly, Agha Siraj Durrani, of his role in the appointments in Karachi.

Zaidi alleged that former Interior Minister Nasirullah Babar of the PPP had been called a Taliban architect by a newspaper, while former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto also had ties to the Taliban. Who killed Khalid Shehanshah (Ms. Bhutto’s security chief) in broad daylight? He asked.

At one point, the speaker turned off the ministers’ microphone when PPP members protested his act of allowing the minister to give a long speech on a point of personal explanation. However, the speaker again gave Mr. Zaidi an opportunity to finish his speech when a number of ministers protested the speakers’ act of turning off his microphone.

All this happened from the treasury benches despite the fact that earlier today, the Minister of Science and Technology, Fawad Chaudhry, had proposed reconciliation to the opposition, asking him to agree on a minimum common program, including judicial reforms and changes to the accountability law.

Opposition protest

Speaking before Parliament, former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said today that the country is facing an extraordinary situation. He said the government had lost confidence in its members and allies, which was evident from the fact that the government had managed to get 160 votes, 12 below the simple majority. He challenged the Prime Minister to get a vote of confidence from the house.

PML-Ns Khawaja Asif said they should activate all forums, including parliament, to oust the government as soon as possible and before things reach an irreversible position.

Posted in Dawn, July 1st, 2020

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