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How Trump’s re-election battle unfolds in a Washington household, thanks to the Lincoln Project


The senior adviser has been a constant presence on American television, pleading forcefully for the president’s agenda and turning his more unpolitical remarks.

But Mr. Trump faces skyrocketing candidacy for re-election, thanks in large part to a team of former Republican political agents called the Lincoln Project, a group that slashing and powerful ads aired across the country .

Kellyanne Conway is the first female campaign manager to win a presidential election. (AP) The Lincoln Project, named after the most beloved president of the Republican Party, published announcements of devastating attacks on Donald Trump.

In a recent announcement, the Lincoln Project bluntly states that Mr. Trump is in mental and physical decline.

“The powerful office of the world needs more than a weak, unfit and faltering president,” said the voice-over.

“Trump doesn’t have the strength to lead, nor the character to admit it.”

Kellyanne Conway is one of the few senior executives to have lasted so long at the Trump White House. (AP)

In another, the voiceovers speak of recent reports that Mr. Trump has been informed that the Russians are paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers.

“When Trump tells you, he’s standing with the troops, he’s right. But not our troops.”

The announcement is spliced ​​with images of Mr. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Another announcement on the same subject features a former US Navy SEAL calling on Mr. Trump to leave.

Donald Trump is currently facing a crushing defeat in November. (AP)

“Mr. Trump, you are either a coward who cannot resist a former KGB goon, or you are an accomplice. Which one?”

The ads are designed to encourage conservative voters to abandon Trump, but they also aim to put themselves under the President’s skin.

They are often aired in Washington DC, a television market that includes no swing states, aired on the President’s favorite shows on Fox News.

And their strategy seems to have worked. After seeing an announcement about the Lincoln Project in May, Mr. Trump launched a tweetstorm early in the morning to attack the group.

“Their so-called Lincoln Project is a disgrace to the honest Abe,” he tweeted.

“I don’t know what Kellyanne did to her troubled husband loser, Moonface, but it must have been really bad.”

The Lincoln Project received an increase in donations after Trump’s Twitter rant, and the video was then viewed millions of times.

The Political Action Committee was founded by Mr. Conway and the main Republican campaign agents Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson and John Weaver, among others.

Kellyanne Conway is Donald Trump’s most eminent lawyers in the White House. (AP)

The relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Conway has been the subject of feverish gossip in Washington DC. One is the most powerful defender of the president. The other refused a role in the administration because he considered it a “show of s — in a dumpster fire”.

“George Conway, often called Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success and angry that I, with his help, have not given him the job he so desperately wanted,” said tweeted Mr. Trump. in 2019.

“I barely know him, but take a look, a loser and a hellish husband!”

Every poll released this week indicates that Joe Biden is on the right track for an overwhelming victory over Donald Trump. (AP)

If he fails to improve his position considerably, he faces a crushing defeat of historic proportions.

And Mr. Conway is far from being a Liberal agent. He represented a woman who accuses Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct and has long been a prominent donor to the Republican Party.

And it seems that their 15-year-old daughter is now choosing sides in the political battle.

Claudia Conway has published anti-Trump memes on her TikTok platform, as well as her support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

“I love Trump,” she wrote. “But replace ‘love’ with ‘think we have to put out’.”

She also commented: “Would [a] too bad we all left one star reviews of all of Trump’s restaurants. “

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