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Cassidy Hutchinson further damages Donald Trump’s reputation; your scribe apologizes to the former president

Cassidy Hutchinson further damages Donald Trump’s reputation;  your scribe apologizes to the former president


In testimony on Tuesday before the House committee investigating the events leading up to the deadly riots on January 6, 2021, a brave young woman exposed another set of Donald Trump’s lies and also cleared up some mysteries. that remained, at least in my mind.

Here is one of those mysteries. When he incited the armed crowd attending his White House rally that day, I remember Trump promising the enraged, armed crowd that he would be with them on Capitol Hill. Then he failed to show up, and it was his supporters who were beaten and arrested and some are now serving prison terms or still facing charges.

I had chalked up Trump’s no-show at the riot as proof of his cowardice and recklessness in putting fools in harm’s way, while safely seated in the White House. But on this point, at least, I apparently underestimated Trump.

Tuesday’s testimony strongly indicated that Trump really wanted to physically go from the White House, where he incited the crowd, to the Capitol, where he likely incited a riot that could have prevented the House of Representatives from certifying Joe Bidens solid 306 -232 Victory of the Electoral College.

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Whether that makes your impression of him better or worse, I apologize to Trump for thinking he lied to the crowd, at least about wanting to go with them.

The latest testimony makes it clear that Trump really wanted to accompany his rioters to the Capitol and had to be physically restrained and returned to the White House to witness the carnage he had inspired.

But if, by any chance, it generates sympathy or respect for Trump, the rest of the days the revelations point in the opposite, more familiar and interested direction.

Cassidy Hutchinson, former senior aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and the only witness at the hearing, provided key evidence, most of which dealt fatal blows to whatever remains of Trump’s reputation.

Hutchinson recounted a meeting before the Jan. 6 rally, where officials were warned that the crowd was bringing knives, guns and other homemade weapons (like spears made from flag poles with knives attached) .

Trump’s deputy chief of staff, Tony Ornado, made it clear that Trump had been told the crowd would be armed, which did little to dampen his appetite for igniting and deploying them. On the contrary.

One of the biggest bombshells Hutchinson dropped on Trump (at least in my opinion) was that during her time in the White House she saw Trump throw a tantrum that many Trumpites who wanted to attend a rally at the House Blanche (to hear him speak before going to the Capitol) were stopped at the gates of the White House because they were heavily armed.

The law prohibits people with firearms and clubs from carrying them on White House grounds. Trump wanted the rally to be full, for the sake of appearances, but there were empty seats because of all the armed Trump admirers stopped at the gates, she testified.

“Probably the main reason [Trump was upset] was that he wanted it full, and he was angry that we weren’t letting people walk through stores with guns,” Hutchinson said. [Mags refers to the magnetometers used to detect weapons concealed on those getting onto the White House grounds]

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She continued, “I was near a conversation where I heard the president say something like, ‘I don’t care if they have guns. They are not here to hurt me. Remove the effing mags. Let my people in. They can walk to the Capitol from here. [P.S. She was using “effing” to stand in for a well-known expletive that begins with an f.]

Hutchinson said Trump was very concerned about the shots we would get, for example, shots of the White House grounds less than full when he spoke to the crowd. But if his quote from Trump was accurate, and I don’t doubt it at all, Trump [presumably] wanted his armed supporters to remain armed for their planned march and the storming of the Capitol after the rally.

Understanding that this armed crowd would be heading to the Capitol where the electoral vote count was to take place shortly after Trump’s speech, and understanding that this count would certify that Joe Biden had defeated Trump, Hutchinson told his direct boss, the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, that something had to be done. But the meadows [would it be rude for me to say “unsurprisingly”] did nothing, admitted Hutchinson.

Hutchinson was told by Rudy Giuliani that Trump planned to descend on Capitol Hill with the protesters after the rally at the White House, but that Trump’s plan had not been publicly announced. And, as you know, Trump had told the crowd that he would march with them to the Capitol to somehow insist that enough of the electoral votes promised to Joe Biden be invalidated. , or (if possible) transferred to Trump.

He didn’t, as you know, walk with them to the Capitol. But I learned from Tuesday’s testimony that he tried to keep his seditious promise to lead the mob to the Capitol.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy contacted Hutchinson by phone (his boss was the white deputy chief of staff) and told him to stop Trump from leading the crowd to the Capitol.

(A quick aside. Hutchinson’s testimony on Monday was a combination of his live address to the committee and a videotape of his previous statements to committee staff. The following quote was played to the committee from the interview precedent with staff, in which she was asked what she thought Trump was going to do if he arrived at the Capitol, to which she replied):

I remember hearing a few ideas discussed about this: maybe giving a speech from outside the Capitol, maybe going into the chamber of the House (where the electoral vote count was actually taking place). »

In any case, cool heads prevailed, at least on this point. The Secret Service told him no, his limo wouldn’t be allowed to take him to the Capitol. (Here’s a full account of how it happened, including Trump rushing at an agent and shouting I’m the fucking president. Take me to the Capitol now and try to take control of the wheel.

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She also recounted a conversation between her boss Mark Meadows and White House attorney Pat Cippollone, for which she was present, in which Cippollone said Trump should not go to the Capitol while electoral votes were being counted by Vice President Pence and while the pro-Trump crowd chanted they wanted to hang Mike Pence,” adding that we were going to be charged with every crime imaginable if Trump showed up there. (Cippollone, by the way, declined to testify in the ongoing hearings to further explain his thinking.)

In case my take on how detrimental Tuesday’s testimony was to Trump isn’t enough, here’s John Cassidy from The New Yorker:

“Hutchinson’s testimony reconfirmed, in perhaps the most explicit way yet, that [Trump] must never again be allowed near power. Whether [John] Dean, the White House attorney to the Nixon administration, in his June 1973 testimony before the Senate Watergate Committee, provided first-hand evidence that Richard Nixon was a scheming liar, Hutchinson provided confirmation to Inside the West Wing that Trump is unfit to lead a support group for reformed haters, let alone lead the country. The idea that the nuclear codes be returned to him is surely now unthinkable.

In closing, I will say that these hearings have been amazing and frightening. I plan to keep watching.

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