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Imran Khan announces his candidacy for nine vacant seats in the Assembly

Imran Khan announces his candidacy for nine vacant seats in the Assembly


Islamabad [Pakistan]Aug 6 (ANI): Pakistani leader Tehreek-i-Insaf and ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan announced on Saturday that he would take part in by-votes on the nine vacant seats in the Assembly after the Election Commission of Pakistan released the schedule of by-elections on Friday.

The announcement first came from the official PTI Twitter account, and was later confirmed by the party’s senior vice-president, Fawad Chaudhry, during a press conference, The Dawn reported.

According to ARY News, in a meeting with reporters, Imran Khan said: “Elections would be held this year, the government parties want to single him out… He would fight against the rulers on all platforms. “The plans of the ruling alliance to disqualify him would never be completed,” he said, adding that appointing Sikandar Sultan Raja as head of the ECP was a major mistake.

The former prime minister added that two foreign countries had offered him funding in the past, but he had refused. Leaders with popular support cannot be eradicated, he added.

Imran Khan’s announcement to contest the nine-seat by-elections surprised many, with some commentators wondering whether the PTI president could not find another suitable candidate and the expense to be incurred in the subsequent by-elections if Imran Khan won several seats and resigned. all but one.

According to Dawn, a representative of the Free and Fair Elections Network (Fafen) of Pakistan, Mudassir Rizvi said that the Constitution provides for the holding of by-elections within a certain period of time after a vacancy of a seat, as well as the possibility for a candidate to compete for several seats but to retain only one, in the event that the candidate wins in several constituencies.

“In this way, our Constitution also allows public funds to be committed for the political ambitions of political leaders and parties. In a single constituency, the type of personnel required, the number of polling stations and place, and at least a few thousand voters staff involved, the expenses run into the millions each time,” he added.

Pakistan’s Election Commission announced on Friday that by-elections for nine National Assembly (NA) seats will be held on September 25.

The polling body announced the constituency schedule of NA-22 Mardan, NA-24 Charsadda, NA-31 Peshawar, NA-45 Kurram, NA-108 Faisalabad, NA-118 Nankana Sahib, NA-237 Malir and NA- 2 239 Korangi Karachi and NA-246 Karachi South.

The nine seats are among 11 left vacant after the National Assembly Speaker accepted the resignations of PTI MPs and denoted them last week following the dismissal of party leader Imran Khan from office. Prime Minister earlier this year.

The NA Speaker had accepted the resignations of 11 PTI MPs, nine from general seats and two from reserved seats, under Article 64(1) of the Constitution of Pakistan.

On July 28, National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervaiz Ashraf accepted the resignation of PTI lawmakers three months after lawmakers resigned en masse on April 11 following the ousting of former Prime Minister Imran Khan from senior management after defiance. motion presented by the joint opposition in parliament against him was successful.

The government has accepted the resignation of 11 PTI MPs, including Shireen Mazari, Ali Muhammad Khan, Ijaz Shah, Farrukh Habib, Shandana Gulzar, Fazal Muhammad, Fakhar Zaman, Abdul Shakoor Shad, Jameel Ahmed and Akram Cheema, ARY News reported.

Confirmation of acceptance of resignations was issued by the NA Secretariat, which published a list.

In particular, the members of the PTI after approval of the party leadership tendered their resignation from the National Assembly. PTI MP Murad Saeed was the first PTI MP to tender his resignation to the Speaker of the National Assembly, ARY News reported.

The then Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Qasim Suri, endorsed the resignations of the PTI deputies. (ANI)




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