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Trump tells CPAC ‘we may have to start over’ when talking about possible 2024 presidential election

Trump tells CPAC ‘we may have to start over’ when talking about possible 2024 presidential election


Dallas — Former President Donald Trump returned to the CPAC stage on Saturday, pushing his baseless campaign claims, disparaging his haters and hinting at a possible 2024 race, saying, “We might have to start over.”

“If I stayed at home, the persecution of Donald Trump would stop immediately, but I can’t because I love my country and I love the people,” he said.

Later in the nearly two-hour speech, he said, “America’s comeback begins in November, and it will continue with the unstoppable momentum we will build in November 2024.”

Trump did not announce another run for the White House in 2024, but he still comfortably won the CPAC straw poll, as he has in previous years. In a fictional poll with Trump removed from the list, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was the clear favorite with 65%, and Senator Ted Cruz was a distant second at 6%. All the others had less than 5%.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the CPAC Conservative Political Action Conference held at the Hilton Anatole on August 6, 2022 in Dallas, Texas. BRANDON BELL/Getty Images

Trump frequently pointed to straw poll results on stage, particularly his approval rating among conservative conference attendees.

Trump spent a significant portion of the speech trashing moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who both signed the climate accord the Senate was voting on while Trump was on stage. Vice President Kamala Harris delivered the deciding vote to push the legislation forward as Trump spoke. The bill received the support of 50 Democrats and no Republicans. The Senate began debate after its vote, which will last until 8 p.m. before the Senate begins voting on the amendments.

Trump has vowed to go to West Virginia, a state he won by nearly 20 points, and campaign against Manchin when he is reelected in 2024, as well as campaign against Sinema when she is also re-elected the same year in Arizona.

Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr, who resigned amid Trump misrepresentations after the 2020 election, earlier this week warned CBS News’ Catherine Herridge that if Trump won in 2024, he would be a “duck 78-year-old lame man who is obviously bent on revenge more than anything.”

When Trump mentioned Barr, there were boos from the crowd. He also lambasted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for allowing the deal to reach the Senate. Last month, Trump called McConnell, who refuses to defend Trump’s actions surrounding the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, “disloyal.” On Saturday, Trump said senators were only loyal to him because of his fundraising.

Trump made some references to the House committee on Jan. 6 — which held public hearings to present its findings on the attack on the U.S. Capitol — calling them “disgusting.”

During an earlier speech by GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert, there were cries from the crowd to “release the J6 defendants.” Trump mentioned those charged in connection with the attack, saying, “Look at these people whose lives are being destroyed.”

He also mocked the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who said she heard Trump try to grab the steering wheel of the presidential vehicle.

“So my hands fell on another powerful guy, strong as hell… I know these people well, it’s just none of my business,” Trump said.

He added jokingly, “When that story came out, people were like, ‘I didn’t know you were that physically strong.'”

Trump reiterated that he wanted to call in the National Guard ahead of the Jan. 6 attack, saying former Defense Department official Kash Patel witnessed it. The January 6 committee shared footage challenging Trump’s claim that 10,000 troops are ready.

“Not from my perspective, I have never received any direction or orders or knowledge of any plans of this nature,” Trump’s acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said in recorded deposition that the committee tweeted last month.

The biggest applause of the night, however, came when Trump discussed culture war issues, such as parental rights, and said he would “abolish the Department of Education” and “keep the men in.” ‘women’s sports gap’. He also said he would not allow the teaching of critical race theory.

But Trump hasn’t focused much on some of the Republican Party’s biggest culture war issues over the years, making only a passing reference to the Second Amendment. He made no mention of the Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn Roe v. Wade, although she featured heavily throughout the conference.

Trump stuck to many of the themes of his previous speeches, addressing crime, inflation and the United States being a “nation in decline.”

Trump began his speech by announcing that many of his allies running for office, or already in office, were in attendance at the conference. That included Kari Lake, who introduced him on Saturday after winning the Republican primary for governor in Arizona this week.

Trump delivered the closing speech on the final day of the three-day conference, which was also attended by far-right Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, who said he did not want Hungarians “to become mixed-race people”.

Saturday was the second speech in as many days for the former president, who traveled to Waukesha, Wis., on Friday evening, where he won a victory lap after several victories for his backed candidates in the primaries of tuesday.

“It’s been an exceptional week for the America First movement, exceptional,” Trump said on Friday.

Trump had targeted Arizona – one of the states that turned to President Biden in 2020 – in Tuesday’s primaries, in a bid to install his loyalists. Its endorsed candidates in Arizona have won the Republican primaries for Senate, Governor and Secretary of State, the state’s top election official.

Trump had also endorsed David Farnsworth, a candidate for the Arizona State Senate’s 10th District over Rusty Bowers, who testified about attempts by Trump and his allies to install fake voters who backed Trump after the election. of 2020. Farnsworth also won this election.

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