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Behind the annoyance of Jokowi –


Dandi Pratama, student from UIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh. reosen: Iping Rahmat Syahputra M. Sc. Course: Politics of Islamic Law in Indonesia | President Joko Widodo was angry at the low absorption of the ministry’s budget during the current crisis, one of which targeted the Ministry of Health, the president also pointed out the sectoral egos between the ministries or the institutions which caused the confusion in the community, linked to government policies for managing the covi19, and President Joko Widodo annoyed because the minister was seen as issuing mediocre policies in the face of this crisis.

As head of government, President Joko Widodo has issued various policies to anticipate the impact of the pandemic and the economic crisis, and the aggravation of the president to his minister was noted in plenary session on June 18, 2020 , President Joko Widodo considered that his minister was less reactive to the crisis, according to President Joko Widodo the current problems cannot be solved in a poor way.

President’s speech “don’t use standard things in a crisis environment, crisis management is all different, if you need a Perpu policy, yes I issued it, if necessary a presidential regulation, yes a presidential regulation that I publish, if there is already a ministerial regulation, please publish it, to face the State, our responsibility towards 267 million of our inhabitants, I note that there are still some many who are as usual, I am annoyed there, is not that feeling …?, said President Joko Widodo.

As head of government, President Joko Widodo has issued various policies to anticipate the impact of the pandemic, including Presidential Regulation 72 of 2020 regarding changes in the stance of the state budget which increases spending on the State for social protection.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said: “The President signed and published PERPRES 72/2020, which is a change in the posture and details of APBN 2020 or a revision of PERPRES 54, for State expenditure in PERPRES 72, accommodated things that were not yet in PERPRES 54, namely, for UMKM grants and for risk payment for working capital loans for MSMEs, also for l ‘extension of bansos in cash and electricity discounts from 3 months to 6 months, and our cash aid extends until the end of the year or December even with a lower amount’.

In addition to publishing the president of PERPRES, Joko Widodo has also published PERPU n ° 1 of 2020, concerning state policies that regulate economic stimulation.

Let’s see together what kind of fiscal policy issued by the central government, linked to this co-19 pandemic, that the government budgeted 695.20 trillion rupees for the national economic recovery program due to the covid-19 pandemic, a total budget of Rs 695.20 trillion. This represents an increase from the previous budget of IDR 677 trillion and is divided into several sectors, such as health, social protection, business incentives, MSMEs, Koprasi funding as well as sectoral or local governments.

And this is the statement and this is the last statement by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, relating to the health of the relationship is only 4.68%, while the data submitted by the president were in the previous period , it is the most recent of the Q men, which was transmitted to the PDR Monday yesterday, here, we will correct not cooperative financing, but cooperative financing, whose budget is IDR 53.37 billion, but according to Sri Mulyani , there is not a single penny that can be made from the budget or cannot be disbursed.

Returning to the budgetary value of MSMEs of 123.46 billion rupees, the achievement was 22.74%, yesterday, the president also declared, that this was entirely related to social security which is included in the sector of social protection, the budgetary value of which is 202.90 billion rupees. it has now been completed, according to Sri Mulyani’s finance minister, at 34.06%.

In short, for all that we discussed together, our advice to the ministries, << all this requires better communication and consultation must be centralized, and we also appreciate all the ministries in which the ministry has succeeded in accelerating the achievement of all public budget. .[]***

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