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COVID Cooperation and Kashmir Approach Show Signs of Improvement in US-Pakistan Relations | Voice of america


ISLAMABAD – The United States has donated 100 medical ventilators to support Pakistan in its fight against COVID-19.

“This donation responds to President Donald Trump’s generous offer of these essential supplies and supports Pakistan’s urgent response to the pandemic,” the US embassy said in a statement on Friday.

The national count of confirmed coronavirus cases in Pakistan, a country of 220 million people, has exceeded 222,000, with nearly 4,600 patients dead since authorities detected the epidemic four months ago.

“The United States has been kind and generous, especially in the context of COVID, where the United States has effectively designated Pakistan as one of the 10 priority countries,” a Pakistani ambassador to the United States said in Washington on Thursday. United, Asad Majeed Khan. .

DOSSIER – Health workers take a swab sample during a new coronavirus testing and screening operation in Hyderabad, Pakistan, June 26, 2020.

The Trump administration has contributed nearly $ 27 million in new funds to help Islamabad build capacity and expand laboratory testing, disease surveillance and patient care, among other challenges to fight the pandemic.

“We are also grateful for Pakistan’s contribution to medical supplies to help fight the coronavirus in the United States,” said the statement from the US Embassy.

In a rare decision in May, the Pakistani government sent medical supplies to the United States, which officials called a “sign of friends and solidarity” with Washington.

The shipment included 100,000 protective masks and 25,000 coveralls for a donation to the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the United States.

“We appreciate Pakistan’s goodwill donation of surgical masks and protective coveralls to FEMA. This delivery is a symbol of American-Pakistani solidarity in the fight against COVID-19,” said the secretary. US state Mike Pompeo.

Pakistan also donated chloroquine to the United States when the drug was being considered as a treatment option for coronavirus. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has since warned against treatment due to heart risks. COVID-19 has infected more than 2.7 million Americans, killing more than 130,000 people.

American-Pakistani political ties

Prime Minister Imran Khan told parliament last week that his country’s often uncomfortable and suspicious relationship with the Trump administration has improved significantly in the past two years.

The apparent improvement in bilateral relations stems from Islamabad’s close cooperation with Washington to help end two decades of war in neighboring Afghanistan, the scene of the longest US military intervention abroad.

FILE – Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan shakes hands with US President Donald Trump at the start of their meeting at the White House Oval Office in Washington, July 22, 2019.

Trump has held three meetings with the Prime Minister of Pakistan since their first interaction at the White House in July 2019. The President has repeatedly promised to improve bilateral trade and economic relations, and he has also offered to mediate in the Pakistani Kashmir territorial dispute with its rival. India.

Pakistani Ambassador Khan, while addressing the online forum hosted by Washington Diplomat magazine, said on Thursday that his government hoped that Trump, before the US election, would get involved in Kashmiri diplomacy.

“We are still convinced today that if a country that can make a difference and perhaps convince India and fundamentally inject some rationality into its (Indian) actions, it is the United States of America and it is the President of the United States, “Khan asserted.

India has rejected Trump’s offer to mediate in accordance with its stated policy that it objects to any third party intervention and wishes to resolve the dispute with Pakistan in Kashmir through bilateral talks.

Security lock

Military tensions between the two rival nuclear-weapon states have increased in particular since last August when the Hindu nationalist government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the partial autonomy of Kashmir and imposed strict security controls in the region on Muslim majority to deter a violent reaction to his controversial actions.

Islamabad rejected the action as a violation of a United Nations Security Council resolution that recognizes Kashmir as disputed territory and prevents either party from changing its status. India controls two-thirds of the region and Pakistan the rest, both claiming all of Kashmir.

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