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Breitbart gets huge scoop on Trump tenure, massacre

Breitbart gets huge scoop on Trump tenure, massacre


But Breitbart completely butchered their scoop.

Rather than focusing on specific warrant details or the detailed list of assets that federal agents seized from Trump’s home on suspicion of potentially serious crimes (the outlet obtained both documents and only released them later in their entirety), author Matthew Boyle first chose to write about when the warrant was issued. Specifically, Boyle reported that the warrant was signed by a federal judge three days before the FBI raided Trump’s home.

Why is this important? It really isn’t, unless you’re Breitbart:

“It is unclear why authorities waited several days to execute service of the warrant if the matter became such a serious national security concern,” Boyle wrote. “If what the federal agents intended to obtain from the raid posed such a national security risk, the fact that they decided to linger and wait several days before executing risks becoming a major point of contention as this debate unfolds before the Public.”

Yes, it’s true. The possibility of Trump leaving office with documents that could pose a national security threat drew less attention from Breitbart, the first publication to get the truly newsworthy scoop, than the fact that it took three days to federal authorities to search Trump’s home after a search warrant. was signed.

As expected, the outlet was heavily criticized online for its editorial choices. This led Boyle to edit the original piece to include several long-running updates, including more details from the documents obtained by the outlet. However, these additional updates only provided more material for criticism.

For example, an update at 2:25 p.m. ET reads: “Appendix B to the warrant describes the three statutes under which the agents are seeking evidence. They are: 18 USC 793, 2071, and 1519.”

What Boyle initially failed to mention in this update is that 18 US Code793 is a law that is part of the Espionage Act. This specific law criminalizes the withdrawal or misuse of national defense information, a serious offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Federal agents had enough reason to believe Trump violated the Espionage Act that they raided his home for evidence, but Boyle first presented it as a passing detail.

Boylelater described each of the three federal laws (18 USC Sections 793, 2071 and 1519) that federal authorities believe Trump has potentially violated in an update at 2:37 p.m., but again downplayed their seriousness. Regarding Section 793, the Breitbart site now reads: “The first law is the one that probably caused media speculation about so-called ‘nuclear’ documents: it applies to a wide range of” defense information, from codebooks to ordinary photographs.

Then, in an update posted six minutes later: “All of this is technically irrelevant anyway because Trump, who as president has the original and absolute power to declassify, said he had declassified all these documents.

As the afternoon progressed, other publications obtained the same documents and reported them in much greater detail, essentially crushing Breitbart’s big shot. And by early evening Eastern time Friday, Breitbart seems to have finally come to a halt with the incessant, piecemeal updates.




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