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Boris Johnson to start removing Huawei from UK’s 5G network by the end of the year after rumors say the company cannot be trusted


BORIS Johnson is expected to eliminate the use of Huawei technology in the UK 5G network this year, according to reports.

The National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC) has made a major turnaround and has reconsidered its view that any potential national security risk posed by the Chinese company can be safely treated, reports the Telegraph.

Security officials expected to present new advice to Prime Minister on risks of Britain using Huawei technology, we learned


Security officials expected to present new advice to Prime Minister on risks of Britain using Huawei technology, we learnedCredit: Getty – Pool

The newspaper says an advisory report, due to be presented to the Prime Minister this week, should conclude that US sanctions against the tech giant will force the company to use unsecured technology platforms.

The sanctions – which prohibit Huawei from using technology based on American intellectual property – are believed to have had a severe impact on the company.

It follows up on Johnson in January allowing Huawei to build parts of the UK 5G network – which has sparked a reaction from Conservative MPs calling for the company to be banned for security reasons.

As part of the flip-flop, security officials are said to be making proposals to halt the installation of new Huawei equipment in the UK 5G network in as little as six months.

According to reports, this will also accelerate the withdrawal of the technology that is already in place – with Whitehall, which would address the ramifications of existing Huawei equipment in other national infrastructure separate from 5G.

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden is expected to provide formal advice – along with the new NCSC report – to Johnson this week.

The GCHQ should conclude that the US sanctions against the tech giant will force the company to use insecure technology platforms, we learned.
The GCHQ should conclude that the US sanctions against the tech giant will force the company to use insecure technology platforms, we learned.

The prime minister is expected to then call a meeting of the National Security Council to finalize a new strategy before announcing the measures in parliament later this month.

A Huawei spokesperson told The Telegraph: Huawei is the most reviewed supplier in the world and we firmly believe that our unparalleled transparency in the UK means that we can continue to have confidence to play a role in upgrading the British gigabit.

“It is important to focus on the facts and not to speculate for the moment.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenburg had previously warned that China was changing the global balance of power – and urged like-minded countries to resist what he called “intimidation and coercion”.

Meanwhile, Tony Blair also urged Johnson to abandon Huawei from the British 5G network in order to preserve Britain’s security relations with the United States.

The former PM No. 10 should focus on transatlantic links rather than economies by using the Chinese telecommunications giant.

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