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Global Citizen Award, UI professor hails Jokowi’s role on the global stage

Global Citizen Award, UI professor hails Jokowi’s role on the global stage


JournalPatrolNews – Jakarta – Recently, President Joko Widodo aka Jokowi received the Global Citizen Award from the US-based think tank Atlantic Council in the United Nations General Assembly Series (SMU PBB) some time ago.

The prize is awarded annually to heads of state and personalities considered to have made a major contribution to humanity, and President Jokowi is considered to have a major role in the dialogue aimed at ending the war in Ukraine.

In response to this, Indonesian University (UI) international relations expert Prof. Evi Fitriani appreciated President Jokowi’s role on the world stage. One of them, visiting Ukraine and Russia as part of a peacekeeping mission. The president’s decision is recognized as a bold step, as Ukraine is still in a war situation and is very dangerous for security.

Frankly, when he (Jokowi) went to Ukraine, I was also surprised that the president dared to do that to go to a war zone, it’s a country at war, bringing his wife also means that it can actually be dangerous, it can get hit by stray bullets and so on,” Prof Evi said when contacted, Saturday (9/24).

Indonesia’s first female professor of international relations praised Jokowi’s courage and marveled at her decision.

In fact, there are European countries close to Russia and Ukraine that can come to dialogue to end the war. But that didn’t happen and President Jokowi did.

I am one of those who appreciate this step, that the President can make it happen and I think many are surprised from all over the world. European leaders can do this because the region is close to there, while it is far from Indonesia, he said.

Professor Evi explained that President Jokowi’s decision cannot be separated from Indonesia’s interest as host of the G20 High Level Conference (KTT) currently taking place in Indonesia, where Jokowi has an interest. to make this event a success without any obstacles due to the war in Ukraine.

All the way from Indonesia, from Asia to arrive there to take care of the war even if it is his interest, we understand that he wants to save the G20 and so on. We understand this interest, but the fact is that an Indonesian president can achieve this through the war zone, something that is indeed worthy in my opinion, something that is appreciated, he explained.

Jokowi’s visits to Ukraine and Russia have succeeded in getting Russia and neighboring countries to open export and import routes for food and other goods to other countries. Unfortunately, Prof. Evi said, Indonesia’s name was not mentioned in the success and instead other European countries were mentioned.

The president’s visit did not have an impact on Russia, the proof of this is that to this day Russia’s attacks have not stopped, although the other day there was indeed a door on the food import-export corridor being opened by Russia, he explained.

Russia has opened a maritime boycott so that Ukrainian ships that want to sell wheat grains abroad can already circulate, but we don’t know from the news I’ve read because other countries are doing lobbying if I’m not mistaken who is Turkey or what. How come Indonesia was not mentioned in the news at all, he added.

Although Indonesia’s name is not mentioned in the success of Russia or other countries in opening up the export and import route of foodstuffs from Ukraine and Russia, the Professor Evi always appreciates President Jokowi’s steps in the peace mission.

When there was an improvement, the Russian naval blockade was opened for the exit from the export route to Ukraine, but the name of Indonesia was also not mentioned at all, as if it was not because of Indonesia. But the visit was symbolically important and we all appreciated it, both Indonesians and/or people from other countries, he said.

Prof. Evi also acknowledged Indonesia’s role in the success of the G20 summit so far, where Indonesia’s interests and the interests of all countries have been well received at the event.

Now, Indonesia has been successful in encouraging or keeping the G20 process on track, resolving issues deemed strategic, and then pursuing fundamental agreements on the ground as well as our surface track or funding through the track, did he declare.




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