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PM Narendra Modis 10 significant tourism initiatives that have enhanced India’s soft power

PM Narendra Modis 10 significant tourism initiatives that have enhanced India’s soft power


World Tourism Day: PM Narendra Modis 10 significant tourism initiatives that have enhanced India's soft power

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modis has targeted the focus on promoting domestic tourism, especially in the post-pandemic era, not only to boost the country’s economy but also to create employment opportunities across India.

However, PM Modis’ belief in India’s tourism potential is not new. It dates back to the 80s, even before he became Chief Minister of Gujarat. He then believed in the tourism potential of the White Desert of Kutch and, after becoming Chief Minister, he transformed the same arid land into an international tourist destination. Recently, in his speech, Prime Minister Modi urged domestic tourists to visit at least 15 places in the country to boost domestic tourism.

World Tourism Day has its importance in highlighting the potential of tourism and its importance in the knowledge of the social, cultural, political and economic values ​​of the international community. On this occasion, let’s take a look at some of Narendra Modi’s major tourism initiatives on various occasions to promote domestic tourism.

Statue of Unity

The Unity Statue was unveiled by Prime Minister Modi on Sardar Patels’ 143rd birthday in 2018. Since its unveiling, as many as 7.94 million people have visited the site until May 2022. But Prime Minister Modis’ vision was not limited to this site alone. He wanted to hire tourists visiting the Statue of Unity for 2-3 days at the same site. Thus, he asked officials to develop the village of Kevadia as a tourist circuit of Kevadia. For visitors to the Statue of Unity, Kevadia tourist circuit is another attraction with 35 tourist spots like Jungle Safari, Valley of flowers, Childrens Nutrition Park, Butterfly Garden and Cactus Garden, etc.

Kutch Rann Utsav

What was once an arid, swampy desert has now become an international tourist destination, thanks to the vision of Narendra Modi. He spotted the tourism potential of White Rann in the 80s, when he was not even the Chief Minister of Gujarat. After becoming the CM, Modi launched Rann Utsav and gradually started providing facilities in the Rann area. He developed a tent city and provided other modern facilities to make Rann Utsav an international tourist destination. At present, more than 15 lakh tourists visit Rann Utsav every year, which contributes greatly to the employment in the region and the revenue of the state.

Khushbu Gujarat Ki

A tourism campaign to promote the lesser-known cultural heritage of Gujarat, with Amitabh Bachchan as brand ambassador, was an idea propagated by Narendra Modi as Gujarat CM. This campaign has helped the state reach new heights in promoting its tourism. The Guinness world record creating kite festival on January 14 (Makar Sankranti) attracts kite fliers from countries all over the world. In 2012, participants from more than 42 countries around the world took part in kite flying on this occasion.

Exploring the Unexplored

This campaign has also helped Gujarat to explore the potential unexplored tourist spots in the state. The success stories of Saputara Monsoon Festival, Balasinor Dinosaur Fossil Park, Flamingo Tourism and Gir National Park for Asiatic lions are just a few examples. Saputara is the only hill station in Gujarat which has been developed for tourists for the monsoon festival. Balasinor Fossil Park is the largest dinosaur fossil park in the world. Flamingo tourism has been promoted in the border area of ​​the state.


After taking office as Prime Minister of India in 2014, Narendra Modi envisioned the tourism potential of Kashi (his Varanasi parliamentary constituency) and pledged to develop the city as Indias Kyoto. Varanasi is known as the oldest living city in the world with significant religious values. The new Kashi Vishwanath Corridor and its state-of-the-art infrastructure has made Kashi the religious tourism capital of India.

Char Dham (Uttarakhand)

PM Modis’ eye for promoting other tourist destinations is impeccable. Prime Minister Modi has inaugurated the project of three different sections of the Char Dham all-weather road in 2021 to promote religious tourism in Uttarakhand. This project will provide better connectivity to Char Dham devotees regardless of weather conditions. This will attract all-weather tourists to the state. He is the only prime minister to have visited Kedarnath shrine 5 times during his first term to promote tourism after the tragedy that struck the place in 2013.

Ramayana circuit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced the Ramayana circuit for devotees to cover places in the life of Bhagwan Rama. A special train that covers these places from Delhi to Janakpur in Nepal is run by Indian Railways to cover the circuit. A bus service is also available for devotees to travel to these places. In all, the tour covers 11 destinations including Ayodhya, Kashi and Janakpur in Nepal.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has adopted the Act-East policy to promote tourism in the North East. India’s longest rail and road bridge was inaugurated by PM Modi in 2018 for NER. The Modi government has constructed 900 km of broad gauge track for rail connectivity in the region and there have been concerted efforts to connect the land by air over the past five years under the UDAAN scheme. All of these programs have helped the Northeast become part of the development mainstream and promote tourism in the region.

Jammu and Kashmir

In the terrorism-hit state of Jammu and Kashmir, Prime Minister Modi has urged young people to choose tourism over terrorism. His appeal has now transformed the fortunes of the state. Kashmir had a good tourist season this summer this year. Prime Minister Modis’ bold moves to repeal Sections 370 and 35-A have also had the effect of curbing terrorism in the state.

Engage the Indian Diaspora

When it comes to interacting with the Indian Diaspora, there can be no better leader than Narendra Modi. During his interactions with the Indian Diaspora, he urged each of them to send at least 5 foreign families to visit India every year. Along with this, he also called on the Diaspora to act as India’s brand ambassador in foreign countries to promote domestic tourism in India.

Tourism promotes cultural values ​​and ethics with other countries and their people. It is also important for the nations economy and job creation. But it takes great hospitality to attract tourists to your home. Considering this, what could be a better place for tourists to visit than India which believes in Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. And, who could be the best representative than our PM Narendra Modi to represent such a beautiful country.

(With agency contributions)

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