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Keighley actor stars in new TV drama about former Prime Minister Boris

Keighley actor stars in new TV drama about former Prime Minister Boris


A KEIGHLEY-born actor stars in a highly anticipated new Sky drama about Boris Johnson’s response to the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Michael Thompson appears in This England, which examines the then Prime Minister and his government colleagues’ handling of the pandemic situation.

The six-part partially satirical docudrama series premiered on Sky Atlantic and Now on Wednesday, September 28.

Its launch was scheduled the previous week, but was postponed to respect the period of national mourning following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

In This England, Michael stars as Des in a family in Bradford who are suffering both from the effects of the disease itself and from the lockdown restrictions imposed by the government to control its spread. Halifax actor Andrea Waite plays Michael’s on-screen wife, Sue.

Kenneth Branagh stars as Boris Johnson in the production, which was written by Michael Winterbottom.

And others who feature in the series include Salford-born TV and film actor Jim Whelan, who was a familiar face as vicar of Coronation Street for many years.

“This England that had the working title This Sceptered Isle is set in the halls of Westminster, but it’s intertwined with stories from across the country,” says Michael, who is once from Keighley but now lives in Skipton.

“We filmed last fall in locations around Bradford, Keighley, Hartlepool and London.

“This area features prominently in the series. Part of my ‘set’ included being in a car, with cameras mounted, driving around Bradford to film scenes on the go, including around Bradford Royal Infirmary .

“It was great to be a part of it.”

Michael’s previous film and TV appearances range from Phil Mitchell’s body double in EastEnders to a Death Eater in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts One and Two.

He has also had roles on various popular programs including Coronation Street, Casualty and Motherland.

And last year he participated in the making of a short film, Sully Lad.

Directed in tribute to an unemployed man who had started taking heroin at 18 and died at 25, he told the last day of his life.

Filming took place in Skipton.

Michael says: “Myself, a Leeds based production company and several cast and crew from Keighley, Ilkley and Leeds have come together to produce the film which is set to premiere at numerous film festivals around the world.”




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