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Nadine Dorries calls Boris among the great world leaders | United Kingdom | New

Nadine Dorries calls Boris among the great world leaders |  United Kingdom |  New


Nadine Dorries called Boris Johnson among the world’s ‘great leaders’ as she spoke about her exit from government and her experience working with Mr Johnson. Ms Dorries resigned as Culture Secretary shortly after Mr Johnson announced his exit from the party.

According to The Times, the high-ranking politician expressed dismay at recent YouGov polls which suggested Sir Keir Starmer’s Labor party had a 33-point lead over the Tories.

While it is true that the damage done to the Conservative Party occurred during the Johnson era, less than a month after taking office, Liz Truss managed to further divide the party and bring down the economy.

Speaking to the news publication, Dorries said: ‘The day they ousted Boris we were five points behind in the polls which was actually fantastic.

“To be only five points behind in the polls when you’ve been in power for 12 years was incredible.

“Those of us who had been in politics for more than five minutes knew that in the middle of an election campaign, it would burn like June mist on a morning lawn.

“At the time, it seemed utterly incomprehensible that MPs were preparing to put the government down by removing our most electorally successful Prime Minister.

The former nurse said Mr Johnson’s exit left her “baffled and bewildered”.

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Ms Dorries alluded to comments made about the Prime Minister’s clumsy personality and rigid body language when discussing the change the public has seen from Boris Johnson’s clumsiness to an awake and rigid Liz Truss.

Ms Dorries said: ‘It’s the personality, the character that people voted for as well as the policies.

“In recent experience, it was clear that people didn’t always vote for the Tories – they voted for Boris.”

However, despite these comments, what the British public wants more than ever are strong policies and trust in their government rather than a popular figure.

Although Keir Starmer has received the same personality comments as Liz Truss, it appears he is currently the favorite among Britons to take over as Prime Minister.

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Ms Dorries tried to back Truss’ policies that got her into hot water as she branded the markets dramatic.

She said: ‘The markets have known for two months that Liz was going to introduce £40billion in tax cuts because that’s exactly what she’s said she’s going to do in her leadership campaigns time and time again , so they knew precisely what was to come.

“I think the markets have overreacted quite a bit.”

Even at the time of the resignation, she expressed her loyalty to the new Prime Minister and said she was “delighted” with the election of Truss, who she said would be a “worthy successor” in Downing Street.

She said, “I am honored that your successor has placed his trust in me by asking me to remain Secretary of State at DCMS.”




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