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Xi Jinping will emerge from the XX Congress of the Communist Party of China even more powerful. too much no doubt

Xi Jinping will emerge from the XX Congress of the Communist Party of China even more powerful.  too much no doubt


A less than two weeks before the opening, scheduled for October 16, of the XXe Chinese Communist Party Congress, tempers begin to heat up in the West. Xi Jinping would be challenged. A rumor even ran on Twitter on September 23, 24 and 25: the Chinese president was the victim of a military coup. Nothing less.

Rumors of this type are legion, but this one has been echoed and commented on by many China Observersespecially in the United States. The authors behind the rumor relied on the cancellation of about 60% of flights in China on September 23, a column of military trucks more than 50 kilometers around Beijing and the absence of Xi Jinping from the public scene since his return from Uzbekistan on September 23. September 16.

These rumours, propagated in particular by members of the Falun Gong organization, violently anti-communist, and taken up by the nationalist Indian media, had no basis. Flight cancellations are legion in China since the implementation of the zero Covid policy, the military convoy was already on a video post in 2021, and if Xi Jinging was invisible, it was simply because he carried out the ten days of quarantine to which every Pekinese must submit when he returns from abroad.

Read also: Article reserved our subscribers Xi Jinping, ultimate thinker of Chinese destiny

Xi Jinping had already disappeared several days after the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing on February 4, as well as after the commemorations of the 25th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong on February 1isJuly. During the weekend of September 24, several foreign journalists based in Beijing went to strategic places in the capital to find that there was nothing to suggest any military coup. For his part, Xi Jinping made another appearance on September 27, ten days after his return to Chinese soil.

New world order

The staging of this return owes nothing to chance: the president, surrounded by twenty-four other members of the political bureau of the Chinese Communist Party and a few other personalities, has in fact inaugurated an exhibition entitled Moving forward in the new era. . An exhibition devoted to the last ten years, during which the Party has achieved colossal tasksand the future, which looks bright, of course. In short, an exhibition of the glory of Xi Jinping. As Wang Huning, chief idolologist, puts it, the reason why the Party and the country have been able to accomplish historic tasks is that General Secretary Xi Jinping is its head.

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