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President Joko Widodo asks TNI soldiers to improve their professionalism – ANTARA News Southeast Sulawesi – ANTARA News Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi

President Joko Widodo asks TNI soldiers to improve their professionalism – ANTARA News Southeast Sulawesi – ANTARA News Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi


Jakarta (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked TNI soldiers to increase their professionalism to face increasingly complex global challenges.

“Amidst the complex challenges of the nation, I call on the TNI to continue to improve its professionalism. The TNI must continue to gradually continue to fulfill its obligations minimum essential force“, President Jokowi said while delivering a message during the commemoration of the 77th anniversary of TNI at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta on Wednesday.

President Jokowi also reiterated that the development of the TNI force must be in line with national development.

In commemoration of the 77th anniversary of the TNI, he advised that the state defense program be pursued in accordance with democratic principles to maintain the survival of the nation and the state as Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

“The government, society, nation and state place great hopes in the contribution of the TNI. Continue to uphold the identity of the TNI as a people’s army, a warrior army, a national army and a professional army,” said Jokowi.

Further, President Jokowi requested the TNI to be at the forefront to deal with any threat, challenge, obstacle and disruption.

“Behave and act professionally in accordance with the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, the Sapta Marga and the Soldier’s Oath,” the president said.

The Head of State congratulated the TNI on the occasion of its 77th anniversary. He reminded the TNI to always maintain unity with the people.

“Finally, always remember the characteristics of the soldiers, the soldiers are unyielding, always steadfast, always loyal, always sincere and always ready to sacrifice themselves for the glory and progress of the Indonesian people and the Unitary Republic of Indonesia”, Jokowi said.

After becoming a ceremonial inspector on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the TNI, Jokowi made a video call to salute the TNI soldiers who served in four locations, namely Entikong State Border Post (PLBN) in West Kalimantan, Sangihe-Talaud’s furthest security guard in North Sulawesi, PLBN officers Sota in Merauke, Papua, and Motaain Engelberhus Klau PLBN in East Nusa Tenggara.

Jokowi also saw demonstrations of Indonesian Air Force (AU) aerial attractions, such as the F16 aircraft “fly pass”, helicopters carrying the giant red and white flag and trimatra flags. , as well as the Jupiter aerobatics show.

After that, Jokowi witnessed the “parade” of dozens of combat vehicles and the main weapon system (defense equipment) in front of the Merdeka Palace.

President Jokowi became the Inspector of Ceremonies on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of TNI held at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta on Wednesday (5/10). (ANTARA/Indra Arif)

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Food crisis

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the ranks of TNI and Polri to support the government’s efforts to deal with the food, energy and financial crises.

“I call on the ranks of TNI and Polri to work together to ensure the success of these different national agendas. To support the national agendas in dealing with the food crisis, the energy crisis and the financial crisis,” the president said. Jokowi by giving mandate to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the TNI. at the Merdeka Palace. , Jakarta, Wednesday.

Jokowi also demanded that the ranks of TNI and Polri support the government’s efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency and control inflation.

The TNI and Polri ranks, Jokowi said, must also maintain defense and security so that the community can work optimally to deal with various kinds of challenges.

Currently, the president said, Indonesia is trusted to make a meaningful contribution to the world, not just to address domestic crises.

Indonesia will in 2022 become the G20 Presidency and a member of the Global Champions Crisis Response Group. In addition, in 2023, Indonesia will become the chairmanship of ASEAN.

“We must be able to show the world that Indonesia’s leadership in the G20 can produce concrete actions and solutions so that the global crisis does not continue and build a world more capable of facing the challenges ahead. come,” Jokowi said.

President Jokowi congratulated the TNI on its 77th anniversary.

“I express my gratitude and highest appreciation to the extended family of TNI who continue to uphold the sovereignty of the nation, safeguard the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and to protect all the bloodshed of Indonesia,” Jokowi said.

During the TNI 77th Anniversary Ceremony, Jokowi is also due to make a video call to salute TNI soldiers on duty at four locations, namely Entikong State Border Post (PLBN) in West Kalimantan, furthest security guard in Sangihe-Talaud in North Sulawesi. , PLBN Sota officers in West Kalimantan Merauke, Papua, and Motaain Engelberhus Klau PLBN in East Nusa Tenggara.

This TNI anniversary celebration was also marked by demonstrations of Indonesian Air Force (AU) aerial attractions, such as the F16 aircraft “fly pass”, flag-bearing helicopters red and white giant and trimatra flags, as well as acrobatic performances. of the Jupiter plane.

The TNI will also hold a “parade” of dozens of combat vehicles and main weapon systems (defense equipment).

This news was broadcast on with the title: President Jokowi asks TNI soldiers to increase their professionalism




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