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Mulan’s second star under fire from #BoycottMulan


Donnie Yen, star of the next Disney Mulan, was recently criticized for a celebratory post in which he praised Hong Kong’s delivery to China.

A second face has been added next to that ofMulan the star of Liu Yifei in the growing #BoycottMulan movement: that of Liu’s co-star, Donnie Yen, who should appear as Commander Tung in the next live Disney remake.

Controversy over Chinese actor and martial artist stems from recent article on Yen Facebook page, celebrating July 1, the day of the Hong Kong transfer. The actor wrote: “Today is the day of celebration for Hong Kong returned to China homeland 23 years [sic]”He then recalled playing for President Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party in 2017, calling it” a memorable night. “

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Hong Kong observes the city’s establishment day, which marks the anniversary of the handover of July 1, when sovereignty over the region was transferred from the United Kingdom to the People’s Republic of China, as agreed in the Declaration Sino-British spouse.

Yen’s post and his apparently positive stance towards Xi Jinping provoked outrage in and around Hong Kong, where a national security law was imposed by China, restricting the democratic rights of the people – which were theirs promised in the Joint Declaration – and in conflict with the mini-constitution of the special administrative region, the Basic Law. This follows more than a year of large-scale pro-democratic protests.

The #BoycottMulan movement started in Hong Kong after it revealed that star Liu Yifei had expressed support for the Hong Kong police and the often brutal tactics they had used both against peaceful protesters, journalists, doctors and innocent bystanders. The movement continued to develop around Southeast Asia in countries like South Korea and Thailand.

Directed by Niki Caro, Disney’s Mulan stars Yifei Liu as Mulan, Donnie Yen as Commander Tung, Jason Scott Lee as Bri Khan and Yoson An as Cheng Honghui, with Gong Li as Xianniang and Jet Li as Emperor. The film is expected to hit theaters on August 21.

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