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DPR calls on Jokowi to immediately implement the national economic recovery plan – Indonesia is on the brink of an economic crisis if the national economic recovery plan (PEN) proposed by President Joko Widodo and approved by the Indonesian Parliament is not immediately implemented by ministries and local governments.

Member of Committee VI of the House of Representatives, Deddy Yevri Sitorus criticized the distribution of the PEN because so far the timetable is not clear.

“Everyone knows that the economic recession was due to low demand. Demand is low because the liquidity in circulation is very limited, currently only public spending can help when economic activity is half paralyzed due to a pandemic, “he said in a statement. he said Monday (6/7).

“But what has happened is even the slow absorption of the budget by the ministries, institutions and local governments,” he continued.

According to him, the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia must work well together to speed up the distribution of the PEN budget.

“The three agencies are bottlenecks that are responsible for the slow delivery of various stimuli agreed by the Indonesian government and parliament,” he said.

Deddy explained that the budget allocation is divided into two categories. Namely, the allocation for the health sector in the context of coping with a pandemic of Rp 87.55 billion and the national economic recovery of Rp 6-7.65 billion.

But so far, he added, the budget achieved is still very low, for example in the health sector, less than 5% is absorbed, the social protection sector even if the percentage of absorption is high but only 34.06%.

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While the ministries and institutions sector is very weak, around 4.01%, the MSME sector, even though it has reached 22.74%, but in fact the percentage has been increased due to the placement of funds in public banks.

In his notes, the worst performance was a stimulus for corporate finance and business incentives, of which only 181.8 trillion rupees was absorbed by 10.14%.

“I ask sir Jokowi take decisive and rapid action immediately as conditions do not improve. “The management of the pandemic and the economic conditions have worsened due to concrete measures and breakthroughs that have not been implemented,” said Deddy.

He stressed that relevant and systematic policies must be formulated immediately so that the economic recovery that has been prepared can be immediately absorbed properly.

“Immediately bring together all regional leaders and related institutions such as BPJS, BNPB to unite the waves and the steps in the fight against a pandemic,” he said.

In addition, Deddy suggested that President Joko Widodo immediately bring together the ministries linked to the economic recovery as well as the OJK and Bank Indonesia to identify regulatory bottlenecks and bureaucracy and involve the KPK, BPK and the office of the Attorney General to formulate concrete measures.

“This is an emergency, a lot of time has been lost due to bureaucracy and inhibiting regulatory aspects. Time is approaching and approaching the recession, setting targets and tight time”, he concluded.


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