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PTI leadership endorses Imran Khan’s decision to dissolve KP and Punjab assemblies

PTI leadership endorses Imran Khan’s decision to dissolve KP and Punjab assemblies


PTI Senior Vice President Fawad Chaudhry speaks during a press conference in Lahore on November 28, 2022. YouTube/GeoNewsLive

PTI Senior Vice President Fawad Chaudhry announced on Monday that, in line with Imran Khan’s decision, the party leadership had approved the dissolution of assemblies in the two provinces.

Speaking to reporters, Chaudhry said: “As you all know, we are leaving assemblies. [party’s senior leadership] approved the decision to dissolve the assemblies.”

PTI leader Imran Khan at the Haqeeqi Azadi jalsa in Pindi last week called off the long march to Islamabad, announcing that his party and allies would quit the assemblies as they wanted to withdraw from the “corrupt system”.

Chaudhry revealed that Khan had spoken to Chief Minister KP Mahmood Khan and that the PTI leader would hold a meeting with CM Elahi later this week.

“The meetings of the parliamentary parties of the two assemblies have been called for later this week, after which the assemblies will be dissolved,” he said.

Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi, a strong PTI ally, also backed the decision and said he would not wait a minute to dissolve the assembly if Khan ordered him to pressure the coalition government of the Center for him to head for a snap general election. .

While coalition leaders have ruled out holding general elections in the country before August, the PTI insists that the ongoing political unrest can only be resolved through snap elections.

In today’s presser, Chaudhry said the PTI has started the process of allocating tickets to politicians, and with party lawmakers resigning from their respective assemblies, 563 seats across the country will be freed up and elections will take place.

He said the opposition will also be invited to hold consultations with the government in the two provinces on the formation of the interim government.

The former information minister said that even if elections were held in seven to eight months, it would not affect the PTI because of its popularity, but the party wants political stability which can only be achieved through early elections.

“Therefore, [Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif] should announce the date of the general elections and dissolve the National Assembly. But if you don’t, then the PTI will dissolve the assemblies wherever it rules.”

Chaudhry added that the PTI would announce the date of the dissolution of the Punjab and KP assemblies in the next two to three days.

CM Elahi challenges the opposition

Ahead of Chaudhry’s announcement, CM Punjab Elahi defied the opposition to table a no-confidence motion against him as the latter began talks on his strategy to bring down the provincial government.

In a statement, the chief minister said that the PML-Q and PTI had a total of 191 legislators in the Punjab Assembly, and they were enough to defeat the opposition measures.

“When the assembly is in session, a vote on a motion of censure cannot take place. Similarly, a vote of confidence cannot take place while the assembly is in session,” he said. .

CM Elahi added that the governor’s rule also cannot be imposed during the session of the assembly.

“I will dissolve the assembly whenever Khan asks me to. I stand with the head of the PTI and am ready to dissolve the assembly on his orders.”

He added that the opposition is in the minority and will remain there. “They don’t have the guts to table the no confidence motion. But if they still want to, they can go ahead and table it.”

The strategy of the coalition parties to prevent the dissolution of the assemblies

In a press conference today, PML-N leader Ata Tarar said the coalition parties would adopt all political and legal options to prevent the assemblies from being dissolved.

He made the remarks following a meeting of the PML-N parliamentary advisory committee held under the chairmanship of Hamza Shahbaz.

Referring to a plea filed by Hamza in the Lahore High Court (LHC) against the election of Sibtain Khan of the PTI as Speaker of the Punjab Assembly, he pleaded with the court to hear their case.

Tarar said the PML-N would go to “its last step” to prevent the dissolution of the Punjab Assembly, whatever “decision it might need to resort to”.

“The options of a motion of no confidence and asking the governor to take a vote of confidence were considered,” he said, adding that the PML-N would also consult with its coalition partners.




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