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‘Muslims’ did not kill ‘Hindu’ man in viral video, attack resulted from family feud


A screenshot of the viral video | Twitter

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New Delhi: Video of a body lying in a pool of blood resurfaced on social media platforms Wednesday, claiming the victim was a Hindu man stabbed to death by Muslims in Andhra Pradesh.

The original video, an excerpt of which was shared, was released for the first time in mid-June.

A user named Akshay Shashtri shared it on Facebook on June 16. The clip shows a young man in a red shirt being stabbed by two assailants by the side of a road. The victim can be seen falling on his back, with a sharp object protruding from his chest.

– @ @ KapilMishra_IND @ SwamiRamsarnac2 @markndeya_ @ Jyotithakur0811 @ bablu3796

– (@ PHOOLARAMPRAJA7) June 16, 2020

Shashtri’s message, which has been shared 151 times so far, said the victim was Hindu and the attackers were Muslim. “In Andhra Pradesh, young Muslims killed a young Hindu with a knife in broad daylight.”

The post also said it was not the first time that a hate crime against a “Hindu” had taken place, several others had been committed in states such as “Kerala, Kashmir, West Bengal, Rajasthan”.

It ended with a warning: “Many Hindus hide behind the veil of casteism and remain silent on these issues, revealing their own cowardice. Each Hindu will suffer the consequences of this silence. A day will come when Hindus will be killed in their own house. The desire to get rich has distanced Hindus from their religion and culture. “

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Likewise, another Facebook user, Shusil Ji, also shared the video on June 14, claiming that it took place in Guwahati, Assam.

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Verification of the facts

The incident originally occurred on June 5 when Mohammad Imran Khan, 22, was stabbed in the middle of the day in the old city of Hyderabads. He was said to have gone out to charge his cell phone when he was brutally attacked.

On June 10, Hyderabad police arrested four men linked to the crime, all half-siblings victims – Mohammed Mehtab Khan (25), Mohammed Taleb Khan (28), Mohd Arbaz Khan (19) and Mohammed Amir (19 ). Another man, Mohammed Ghouse Khan, is said to have fled at the time.

Police say the attack was the result of a family dispute. The victim was the son of Habeebunnisa, one of the two wives of Mohammed Ghalib Khan. After Ghalibs ‘death, Habeebunnisas’ eldest son took over the government post of Ghalibs. The other wife and her sons are said to have held a grudge and to have decided to kill one of the Habeebunnisas sons.

In collaboration with SM Hoaxslayer

Read also: A woman, hanging from a tree in viral image, was not killed by a Muslim but by her lover

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