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Revealed: Who visited Trump’s White House before January 6

Revealed: Who visited Trump’s White House before January 6


The logs are not exhaustive. They cover only a small period of the Trump presidency and do not include the specific purposes of the visit or identifying details beyond the name of the visitor. For example, many people are listed as having met Trump on December 14 at the White House residence, although it is likely that they attended a larger holiday party.

Some of the entries in the document made public by the select committees on January 6 have been removed to address possible confidentiality concerns. In addition, we also removed records of White House visits, which were a significant portion of the data but rarely involved a public interest visitor, except in very specific cases, such as the visit by the President of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, December 12.

Visitor logs include the dates: December 12, 2020; December 14, 2020; December 18, 2020; December 21, 2020; January 3, 2021; January 4, 2021; and January 5, 2021.

Some visits were known to the public at the time. Others can be understood through the context in which they occurred, amid the Covid pandemic as the White House laid off staff in anticipation of the transfer of power at least among those outside the inner circle of Trump.

But even these limited snapshots offer a window into how the Trump White House really works: with an eclectic mix of guests, political and apolitical, sifting through. For example, as five members of the then-Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) staff from the House Intelligence Committee were ushered into the West Wing to review documents Trump intended to declassify, an entirely different set of guests were brought into the buildings of the east wing. As Jan. 6 approached, a number of artists and photographers stopped by the president’s personal residence, the purpose of which remains unclear.

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How we analyzed the data

To build this interactive database, POLITICO analyzed nearly 14,000 White House visitation records made over seven days in December 2020 and January 2021.

These recordings were made public in late December by the US House Select Committee on the January 6 attack.

We removed entries using the following criteria:

People attending scheduled visits to the East Wing of the White House, totaling 8,834 visits Visits to the White House Medical Clinic Duplicate entries for the same visitor on the same day Visits marked as duplicate by staff at the White House White House

A small number of visitors’ names were abbreviated, cut or misspelled in the original recordings provided by the committee. We edited these entries for clarity where a person’s identity was clear and left the original names in place.

Where appropriate, we have also changed the location of each visit to remove jargon and clarify where meetings took place, the Oval Office versus Residence, for example. For brevity, we refer to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building and New Executive Office Building as EEOB and NEOB, respectively.




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