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Why Biden changed his mind on Ukraine; Trump’s waning influenceExBulletin

Why Biden changed his mind on Ukraine;  Trump’s waning influenceExBulletin


Why President Biden changed his mind and agreed to send Ukraine what are considered the best tanks in the world. Also, the influence of Donald Trump within the Republican Party continues to decline.


Let us now turn to the conflict in Ukraine. President Biden said the United States would send 31 M1 Abrams tanks there to help the Ukrainian military defend against the Russian invasion. The Abrams is considered the best and most sophisticated tank in the world. Joining us is NPR’s senior political editor, Domenico Montanaro. Domenico, thank you very much for being with us.


SIMON: The Biden administration said American tanks would only escalate the war, that it would take a long time to train Ukrainian soldiers on them. Why did the president change his mind?

MONTANARO: Well, clearly a geopolitical move here. You know, Biden wants Germany and the other NATO allies to continue to be as heavily involved in aiding the war effort as they have been. And German Chancellor Olaf Scholz certainly needed political cover in his own country. You know, given Germany’s history in that part of the world during World War II, a lot of Germans are uncomfortable with the idea of ​​German tanks driving through Ukraine. And the United States is committed to sending some 31 of these Abrams tanks. And that helps relieve some of that internal German political pressure. You know, I think all of this shows how much this war has really evolved. We are approaching a year now of this war. I watched the State of the Union last year, and Biden in that speech boasted that the United States had committed over $1,000,000,000 to the war effort, Scott.


MONTANARO: The United States has now spent nearly $50 billion in financial, humanitarian and military assistance to Ukraine. So to get those tanks there, it’s going to take months, logistics and training. Clearly, however, Ukraine is going a long way in a potential spring offensive here.

SIMON: I learned this week that the economy grew by 2.9% last quarter. The president spoke about it to a union crowd in Virginia on Thursday — a record number of small business openings.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: And every time – every time – someone starts a small business, it’s an act of hope. It is an act of hope. And that’s what we see in these record numbers that we’re breaking now – hope.

SIMON: Domenico, does this economic news change the direction of the classified documents that were found in the president’s house and former office the same week? It should be noted that it was revealed that former Vice President Pence apparently also had classified documents.

MONTANARO: Well, first of all, if you’ve ever heard hope as a political slogan, you don’t have to look too far back at another campaign that President Biden was involved in. And I say campaign because that’s the time that we’re starting to see – you know, it’s a year before the 2024 presidential election where, you know, a president who has given all the strongest possible indications that he’s running for re-election is starting to sort of test some of those messages. You know, it can be difficult for presidents to communicate how their policies have helped people directly, especially when they’re written among larger, larger, more complex bills. So that’s part of that sales job. And in the short term, you know, we’re in that period before the State of the Union address, which is just over a week away now. You know, presidents often float some of what we might hear in this speech. And I think that’s part of what you’re starting to hear.

SIMON: Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel was re-elected yesterday. But she had two challengers. How do you interpret the difference of opinion in this party?

MONTANARO: Well, as far as the RNC race goes, I mean, Ronna McDaniel had to win. You know, the question was how much? And she was Trump’s hand-picked chair. Trump, during his presidency, stacked the RNC with loyalists for him. So frankly, that was a clear outcome of what was to come. But it’s not like his challengers aren’t Trump supporters either. You know they are. But what we saw was some sort of proxy war emerging between Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, you know, something that we’re going to continue to see unfold. Harmeet Dhillon is a lawyer and former Vice President of the California Republican Party. She got a nudge from DeSantis when he said the party needed, in quotes, “new blood.” Before that, Dhillon had the commitments of only 32 members. After the vote, she was 51. Now it’s all pretty insider (ph). And the job of an RNC chair is to raise funds, to create infrastructure for state parties. The problem is that during the Trump era, Republicans lost and underperformed in competitive areas. While Trump is still a favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination, you now have many more Republicans ready to criticize him and say so wanting to win or needing new blood.

SIMON: Domenico Montanaro from NPR, thank you very much.

MONTANARO: You’re welcome.

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