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Inside Donald Trump’s campaign plan to eliminate Nikki Haley

Inside Donald Trump’s campaign plan to eliminate Nikki Haley


Nikki Haleys’ decision to become the first Republican to run in the 2024 race against Donald Trump has finally given the Trump campaign an official enemy. And while Haley has little interest in slamming Trump, four Trump advisers told The Daily Beast that they believe Haley’s presidential run is more about running for vice president, Trump’s campaign seems keen on slam Haley.

As the former UN ambassador telegraphs her presidential announcement, the Trump campaign is chomping at the bit to finally defeat an enemy after a few months of sleep. Those familiar with the talk of how to handle Trump’s first main challenger in 2024 see Haley as a weak candidate offering the former president a chance to settle a score, as well as an opportunity to experiment with new tactics.

Trump previewed this strategy last week when he posted on Truth Social that Nikki should follow her heart, not her honor. She should definitely run!

In Haley, Trump has a weak opponent he can easily do without. Polls showed Haley polling around 3%, compared to 48% for Trump. A rival that Trump can crush early like Alabama football against Austin Peay in September could allow Trump to show voters that he is still a force in the GOP. However, there are two schools of thought on how Haley is most useful to Trump.

Some in Trump’s orbit see a chance to bury Haley early and often, using her campaign as a crash test dummy to demonstrate Trump’s dominance to anyone willing to intervene. But Haley could also be useful in splitting the Republican primary vote and allowing Trump to cruise through the primaries with his strong base of voters who are going nowhere.

Yet for others, Haley’s perceived lack of threat will allow Trump to attempt something akin to coalition building during the primary.

In 2016, you come to the king, you’re going to get shipwrecked, an adviser who speaks with Trump told The Daily Beast. In 2024, I think there will be a different type of Trump on display. Hell be all 2016 on guys like DeSantis, but Haley, who had a respectful conversation with him? He will deal with her in the manner of 2024.

What that looks like is largely predictable based on Haleys’ decision to declare in 2021 that she would not challenge him in a presidential race, only to change course the day after Jan. 6.

They will definitely have a nickname for her, the source close to Trump said. He had a nickname for each of his opponents in 2016, so the tactic while some of his tactics proved ineffective or people learned to deal with him, the naming works.

Recurring themes among four Trump operatives who spoke with The Daily Beast included portraying Haley as disloyal, an about-face, a war hawk and backed by Wall Street. Another that Trump himself has been made aware of is the allegation that Haleys donors have ties to China.

A GOP strategist described Haley as the Carly Fiorina of 2024.

Trump will look to his past liberal positions on Black Lives Matter, crime and immigration which are very weak, the strategist said, requesting anonymity to speak candidly about private conversations between GOP operatives about Haley. He will also surely play on her political flip-flops and promise not to run, now that she is getting started. Basically, he will paint her as just another politician who believes nothing and only wants power.

There are plenty of examples of Haley flip-flopping on her support for Trump.

Every time someone criticizes him, he goes and makes a political attack in return. It’s not who we are as Republicans, Haley said in 2015. It’s not what we do.

After the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, Haley also took aim at her former boss.

I think he’s going to find himself more and more isolated,” Haley told Politico Magazine. I think he lost any sort of political viability he was going to have.

Several sources close to Trump have also raised the possibility that Haley’s race is an audition for a job as Trump’s vice president.

There’s a significant number of us who think she wants to be vice president, and if she does, that makes sense, the first source close to Trump said. So to show your stuff, to show your guts that you can be a strong partner on the national stage, that’s what you do.

The running for vice president begins now, a second source close to Trump said.

Trump administration alumni have also shared this thought publicly.

Nikki Haley is a self-centered politician. I think she sees her down and playing for the vice president, former Trump body man John McEntee said on a local news broadcast last week. She knows a war between Trump and DeSantis is coming.

Similarly, former Trump White House communications associate turned failed congressional candidate Karoline Leavitt tweeted that McEntees’ assessment was not wrong.

As The Daily Beast previously reported, there has been movement within Trumpworld to formulate an informal slate of possible Trump running mate candidates. And while all of the candidates on the slate, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, have begun flattering Trump publicly, Haley’s thinking seems to be going in the opposite direction.

A spokesperson for Haley did not return a request for comment.

Trump values ​​loyalty, said one of the previously mentioned sources close to Trump, which would leave her far out of VP conversations.

Echoing the sentiments expressed by agents in Trump’s circle, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who speaks to Trump from time to time on the phone, said Haley was wasting his time! Anyone considering running against Donald Trump should simply endorse it immediately, he added.

The first source close to Trump recalled a meeting during the 2016 transition where Trump first pointed out the possibility of a Haley White House offer.

We all around Trump know that when she came for her last interview with the President as United Nations Ambassador, the President said, Well, that will prepare you well to run for President, said the Trump’s top adviser. She said, Well, maybe I would be interested, but I would never have run against you, Mr. President. Never.

So, does Donald Trump think she’s disloyal? Yes, he does, the source close to Trump continued. But the difference between her and DeSantis is that she is also popular. Donald Trump need not fear it. He will play with her.

Another source within Trump’s inner circle predicted that Haley would barely quit after Iowa. But, such an estimate remains generous in Trumpworld; many others think Haley won’t even last that long.

While The New York Times reported that the Trump campaign had begun building an extensive opposition research dossier against DeSanti, mostly filled with pro-vaccine remarks from Florida governors, one of Trump’s sources said that his campaign had hardly made the same effort to generate a Haley dossier.

When it comes to the Trumpworld lawsuit attacks on potential rivals, one person Trumpworld has been keeping a close eye on is Newsmax host Greg Kelly. Kelly, a staunch Trump supporter, has aired monologues where he confronts DeSantis and more recently takes aim at Haley. Unlike other pro-Trump pundits who often struggle with carrying out Trumpian attacks, Kelly has shown a knack for it.

This is Nikki Haley, and she thinks she can be president, Kelly said of Haley last week, before calling her candidacy a big, big, big mistake. The Newsmax host uploaded a clip from 2021 where Haley told a reporter that if Trump ran in 2024, she would support him.

How about that? Kelly responded after playing the clip. She is doomed. His candidacy is condemned here. This extract. She cannot be a candidate for the presidency. Trump would go on to share Kelly’s monologue on Truth Social.

Others think she may not last that long, but it might be in the Trump campaigns’ interest that she doesn’t sink just yet, at least until voting begins in February 2024.

Anything over five is a crowded field, one of Trump’s sources said. If it’s a crowded field, all Trump has to do is hang on to his base. And you know the Republican Party; we love a primary.




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