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Xi Jinping in Moscow: Five takeaways from the Sino-Russian talks

Xi Jinping in Moscow: Five takeaways from the Sino-Russian talks


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Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have made a sweeping assertion of their alignment with a host problems and shared distrust of the United States in a lengthy statement following talks between the two leaders in Moscow this week.

Their meeting, which took place in the shadow of Russia’s assault on Ukraine, left no doubt about Beijing’s commitment to developing relations with Moscow, despite Putin’s growing isolation on the world stage. as his devastating war continues into his second year.

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21, 2023.

He also failed to move the needle on resolving this conflict.

Instead, Xi’s three-day visit to the Russian capital, which ended on Wednesday, was an opportunity for the two self-proclaimed friends to show off their close personal relationship in the pomp of a state visit. and to explain how they could advance a world order that against one they see as led by Washington and its Democratic allies.

The meeting resulted in more than a dozen agreements boosting cooperation in areas ranging from trade and technology to state propaganda, according to a Kremlin list. The leaders’ central statement focused on how the two countries would deepen their relationship.

Xi’s visit was contrasted by another key diplomatic mission in the region.

Japanese Prime Minister and US ally Fumio Kishida landed in Ukraine to sit down with Ukrainian President Vlodomyr Zelensky on Tuesday, further highlighting how the conflict in Europe has also deepened divisions in Asia.

Here’s what you need to know about the Xi and Putin meetings.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold talks at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, March 21, 2023.

The meetings did not lead to any breakthrough on the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.

The two leaders called for the cessation of actions that increase tensions and prolong the war in Ukraine, according to their joint statement released by the Chinese Foreign Ministry. The statement failed to acknowledge that Russia’s invasion and military assault was the cause of the ongoing violence and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.

The leaders also urged NATO to respect the sovereignty, security and interests of other countries, a reference that appeared to echo the two countries’ long-standing rhetoric wrongly accusing the Western security alliance of causing the invasion of Russia.

In recent weeks, China had appeared to be positioning itself as a peace broker, publishing its position on a political solution to the conflict calling for a ceasefire and peace talks.

Putin said many of the provisions could be seen as the basis for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine when the West and Kiev are ready for it, in comments to reporters after the talks on Tuesday.

But the proposal has been seen as a failure in the West and in Ukraine, as it does not include any provision for Moscow to withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory.

On Tuesday, Zelensky said a ceasefire would simply freeze the conflict, giving Russia time to prepare and come back with its only wish, its leader’s wish – that is, to occupy our country.

Experts say the tendency of China and Russia to build their alignment against the United States and a world order more suited to their own more autocratic the agenda was the driving force of the meeting, not the interest in resolving the conflict in Ukraine.

As Xi left the Kremlin after a Tuesday night state dinner with Putin, his farewell message reiterated his view that global power dynamics are changing.

Together, we must push forward these changes that have not happened for 100 years. Be careful, he said during a farewell handshake with Putin, alluding to what Xi sees it as an era where the West is fading and China is gaining the upper hand.

In their joint statement, the two authoritarian leaders called for promoting a multipolar world, a buzzword for a system not ruled by so-called Western values ​​and rules, and pledged to work together to safeguard the international system and the United Nations where both have a track record of blocking moves, including against actors like North Korea.

They also hit Washington repeatedly, including saying they urge the United States to stop undermining international and regional security and global strategic stability in order to maintain its own unilateral military superiority.

Alexander Korolev, an international relations expert at the University of New South Wales in Australia, said the joint statement showed an overall convergence of Chinese and Russian worldviews and approaches to many international issues.

It’s very explicit and clear in terms of identifying the United States as a major security threat, he said.

Perceived threats from bodies like NATO and AUKUS, a security pact made up of Australia, the UK and the US, emerged as a clear focus for both leaders, including their implications on Asia.

Both Xi and Putin expressed serious concerns in their joint statement about NATO’s continued strengthening of military security ties with Asia-Pacific countries and said they oppose external military forces that undermine regional peace and stability.

As China’s aggression in the South China Sea increased, the United States strengthened its presence in the Indo-Pacific and its ties with regional allies.

Russia and China pledged to further deepen military mutual trust, citing boosting their military exchanges and cooperation and conducting regular joint sea and air patrols.

The two countries have continued to hold joint exercises around the world since the start of the war.

Putin said on Tuesday that Moscow was ready to support Chinese companies as replacements for Western companies that have left Russia since its invasion of Ukraine began.

Russia has become increasingly dependent on China as an import market and exporter of electronics after being hit with sweeping sanctions.

The partners appeared poised to expand what has already been a surge in energy trade over the past year as Europe reduces its dependence on Russia’s key resource.

The two leaders also said they would build a closer energy partnership, supporting companies from both countries in advancing cooperative projects in oil, gas, coal, power and electricity. nuclear energy.

In his comments to the media, Putin added that the further growth of Russian gas exports to China was discussed, including the implementation of the initiative to build the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline through the territory of Mongolia.

Xi did not explicitly mention the pipeline in his comments during the briefing, which Russia touted as a replacement for the now-defunct Nord Stream 2 line that carries gas to Europe.

The joint statement mentions the collaboration to promote research and consultation related to a new China-Mongolia-Russia gas pipeline project.

The optics of the Moscow summit were a stark contrast to the simultaneous meeting in Ukraine between Zelensky and Japanese leader Kishida.

Zelensky praised Kishida and other leaders who visited there for their respect not only for Ukraine, but also for the preservation and functioning of civilized rules and civilized life in the world.

Considering Japan’s strength, its leadership in Asia in upholding peace and the rules-based international order, and Japan’s responsibility as Chairman (of the Group of Seven), our talks today can truly deliver a global outcome, he said in an overnight address on Tuesday.

Xi has yet to speak with Zelensky since the start of the Russian invasion, although a senior Ukrainian official told CNN on Tuesday that talks were underway between the two countries to arrange a call between them on the proposed China’s resolution, with nothing concrete planned.

But even still, experts say meeting Xi in Moscow while strengthening an alignment with Russia that China sees as key to weakening US global influence could come at a cost to China’s other relationships. .

(Xi’s visit) clearly places Sino-Russian relations above any other type of bilateral relationship China may have, said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a professor of political science at Hong Kong Baptist University.

However, this joint declaration is not going to win (China) many friends in Europe, he said, because all of Europe is so mobilized behind Ukraine to try to expel the Russians.




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