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US wants ‘good relations’ with China: US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns says we are ready to talk Joe Biden Xi Jinp

US wants ‘good relations’ with China: US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns says we are ready to talk Joe Biden Xi Jinp
US wants ‘good relations’ with China: US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns says we are ready to talk Joe Biden Xi Jinp


US President Joe Biden (left) and his Chinese counterpart Xi
US President Joe Biden (left) and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping (right)

Amid rising tensions between the United States and China, it appears the Biden administration is now lamenting the current situation, saying “America is ready to talk with Beijing,” regardless of what happened. passed between the two powerful nations since August last year. .

Speaking at an event at the Stimson Center, US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns on Tuesday expressed hope that the Chinese government under President Xi-Jinping would also have similar overtones.

“Our view is that we need better channels between the two governments and deeper channels, and we’re ready to talk,” CNN quoted Burns as saying during a virtual event. talk, and we hope the Chinese will meet us halfway on that,” he added.

US-China tension

Notably, China and the United States have been at odds since then-US President Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan – an island nation that Beijing claims as its own.

His visit came despite repeated warnings from Xi Jinping and his top officials.

Although the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was expected to cool the tension between the two largest economies, a last-minute gaffe by alleged Chinese spy balloons had ruined all speculation. This prompted the United States to cancel Blinken’s long-awaited trip. At that time, the Biden administration announced it would send its top official but did not mention timings.

Burns downplays Blinken’s possible visit to China

Meanwhile, when asked about Blinken’s possible trip to China, Burn played down the question and said he had no information about Blinken’s flight to Beijing being postponed.

“It’s hard for me to predict at this point when this type of re-engagement will happen again, but we’ve never supported a freeze on this relationship,” Burns pointed out.

Biden and Jinping had a ‘productive’ meeting in Bali

The head of American diplomacy, however, stressed that he had had several “fruitful” talks with his Chinese counterparts, including Foreign Minister Qin Gang, and his predecessor Wang Yi. Furthermore, Burns claimed that the meeting between the two presidents – Joe Biden and Jinping – in Bali was a “very productive exchange”.

Additionally, the US Ambassador to China claimed that the Biden administration called on Beijing to open all the channels it suspended after Pelosis’ visit to Taiwan.

“It’s a good sign that we’ve been able to get messages across, exchange views, talk about tough issues, sometimes at length here in Beijing, but you need a broader relationship than that,” Burns added. .

Also read: US calls on China to desist from ‘provocative’ and ‘dangerous conduct’ against Philippines in South China Sea

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