Watch: Boris Johnson roasted for charging taxpayers $250,000 for his Partygate legal costs
“Why can’t he stand up for the British people, is it because he’s too weak?”
Shameless charlatan Boris Johnson was roasted in Parliament today during PMQs for charging taxpayers the hefty £250,000 bill for his Partygate legal costs.
Labor MP Karl Turner told the Commons: Workers cannot get legal aid if they earn £12,750 a year. So why is the Prime Minister making the British public foot the bill which I believe is currently over £250,000 for the Right Honorable MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislips who claimed a false investigation.
Why can’t he defend the British people, is it because he’s too weak?
Rishi Sunak said in response that it was a long-established process whereby former ministers are backed by legal representation to deal with issues related to their tenure.
Turner previously tabled a motion earlier today calling on the former prime minister to foot the bill as he makes millions of pounds cashing in on his time at No 10.
The rising costs of Johnson’s legal fees led to a number of MPs calling on Johnson to foot his own bill.
Labors Angela Rayner said last week: This murky arrangement that left taxpayers footing the bill for Boris Johnson’s partygate defense fund is not only unprecedented, but without justification.
“With working families facing a cost of living crisis, it’s hard to believe they should have written a blank check for those legal terms as the ex-Prime Minister gets richer.
“Rishi Sunak must explain why he has failed to stop this brazen scheme and take immediate action to ensure that his disgraced predecessor returns this money to the public treasury.
Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward
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Sources 2/ https://leftfootforward.org/2023/05/must-watch-boris-johnson-roasted-for-making-taxpayers-pay-250000-bill-for-his-partygate-legal-fees/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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