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Xi Jinping’s envoy gives Putin the Chinese leader’s advice on the Ukraine crisis –

Xi Jinping’s envoy gives Putin the Chinese leader’s advice on the Ukraine crisis –
Xi Jinping’s envoy gives Putin the Chinese leader’s advice on the Ukraine crisis –


Of Guido Santevecchi

After visits to kyiv, Warsaw, Berlin and Paris, the former ambassador to Russia Li Hui lands in Moscow. The goal: to open a channel between the two countries with a view to a compromise

Can we still believe in the sincerity of Xi Jinping when he declares to European leaders that China supports a peaceful solution to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine?

China’s special envoy for Eurasian affairs Li Hui is expected in Moscow today: even if the title of his mission does not say so, the task of the diplomat is to explore the possibility of opening negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv. Li Hui has just traveled to kyiv where he met President Volodymyr Zelensky, then to Warsaw, Berlin and Paris. Ukrainian government repeats to Chinese envoy that compromises on national sovereignty are not possible (thus kyiv would like to recover all of its invaded territory).

Li Hui’s first task at the moment is not to convince the Ukrainians, but strengthen relations between China and European governments that are more willing to continue business as usual avoid going the American line without objection. Therefore, Xi must keep alive the hypothesis of a peace mediation also to cover the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron who visited him in Beijing at considerable political risk.

The United States continues to sow skepticism, recalling that Xi never condemned the aggression (played by his close friend Vladimir Putin, whom he visited in March in the Kremlin). And then, everyone knows that Beijing refuses to use the term invasion, condemns Western sanctions, exhibits its axis with Russia in an anti-Western role, takes advantage of the situation to do excellent business with the Russians. The latest proof that Xi is not neutral and impartial is Wednesday’s welcome in Beijing to Russian Prime Minister Misutshin, who was able to exalt the unprecedented level reached by political and commercial relations. Xi comforted him saying that China and Russia should firmly support each other’s core interests.

By, just as obvious that precisely because of his proximity, Xi is the only one capable of pushing Putin down the path of negotiation. And there are positive signs: Li Hui was ambassador to Moscow for ten years (until 2019), knows the dynamics of the Kremlin well, is fluent in Russian and is considered a reliable friend. Suspect Putin probably fears no tricks from the Chinese mediator.

Shuttle diplomacy only in the first round: it is clear that the results cannot be expected as long as the real or presumed offensives and counter-offensives have not taken place on the ground. But meanwhile

task of Li Hui to open a channel between kyiv and Moscow. During
Xi reports that China will not let Russia crumble, so the United States, Europe and Ukraine must seek a compromise
to end the war.

May 26, 2023 (change May 26, 2023 | 11:08)




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