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Indonesia thc ydn in th

Indonesia thc ydn in th
Indonesia thc ydn in th


Last month, Indonesia’s Joko Widodo was proud of his family, Nusantara, instead of Jakarta, the most famous city in the world.

About 40% of din tch th Jakarta hin nm di mc nc bin. Nh: NYT

Before the birth of the national anthem, Mr. Joko Widodo had been in Jakarta for 2 years. Since Indonesia won this year’s victory in 1945, the number of businesses in Jakarta has increased by 1 million and 30 million. But we are grateful for the mc ln, but th ht ch. In the country, the volume of traffic was cyclical, with a net loss of 65,000 t rupees (gn 4.7 t USD).

However, due to low density and low density, the average number of people moving from the center of the city to the other is 18cm mi nm. According to the New York Times, less than 40% of hotels in Jakarta are hidden.

Siu dn 30 t USD

At the end of the year, Widodo (Jokowi branch) is interested in solving problems in Vietnam such as: ltd, public transport, children, etc. I’m sorry, I’m not happy, I’m sorry, I’m not, I’m sorry, or I’m not in traffic.

While working on the Annual General Meeting, the people of Widodo realized that the city of Jakarta was not able to deal with the problem of “doing everything” – it was just a matter of fact. The official also died in the August 16, 2019 drama, sacrificing his life and losing information. The two main economic zones, Penajam Paser and Kutai Kertanegara (Kalimantan province in Borneo) are located in the center of the city, about 1,000 km from Jakarta. With the name of Nusantara (literally “qun o” according to the Javanese c) it plays the role of the main commercial center, Jakarta is the center of the traditional economy of Indonesia.

Don’t go to the annual Widodo festival. The process of using the factory will increase until 2022. The province will still be able to achieve this goal while Widodo products will not be fully developed until 2024. However, there is little time left to participate in this project. Not the mi le mi for Indonesia.

the moving company costs 30 billion USD; in government spending 20%, the division is limited to other sources. Widodo will be the largest city in the world since 2045 and Nusantara (from IKN) is a green, smart city, a high-tech center in the region, a high-tech city with a high income, c bit l”dn du mc k thut s” t could not be born. Jakarta, 16% of companies use public transport services, but children are 80% Nusantara. “We are all in love with Indonesia. y not nnnl move cc we nnnnnnnn nun ni else. We will continue to work with you, only you and your economy will be green,” Widodo ni said.

There is no slap slap

But GM Indonesia is still one of the most successful people in the world in terms of transport, transport and transportation. In , ni lo ln nht l ngp lt. Bandung Industrial Park (Indonesia) is the first country in the world, with the highest growth rate in the world by 2050, 95% of the population will be in the center of the country.

Di Thieu, the city of the city – like Jakarta – plays the role of “information” in the national government. When the government of the country is in charge, it will always be a pristine state. According to the national report, in the process of development, the enterprise has a number of advantages: The enterprise is growing rapidly, and the enterprise is growing. When , go “lm li tu” c see the l like php hp l.

GS. Deden Rukmana and New School Alabama A&M(M) Planner commented, “We proved we could do it, we were able to achieve this goal in a very simple way. You’re still alive and well.” “IKN doesn’t work for Indonesians, but it doesn’t work for everyone. ll due to lack of money”, Prof. Deden ni thm.

However, when I went to Pluit area, I found the Java trash can, but I can’t believe it when I go to Jakarta. “When money is high, t cn is bigger than bin. Gi y, bin is greater than t. I don’t think I like you”, b Emi ni. However, b for rng, Jakarta is the , ch is not the city. “The other part of Borneo is not like this, but this n ‘s not like Indonesia”, b Emi by t im concerned.

Hanna, Indonesia is the first country in the world. It’s one of the best places in the world to live and work, it’s the best time in the world and it’s one of the most beautiful people in the world. V vy, vic moves and it’s a good idea, and the results are great. Widodo is responsible for its performance through lut di , like when vic tm mnmsndnnns , then strrstness ‘s ‘s ‘s . Jakarta city people haven’t been able to change their lives, but they don’t live in Jakarta city, but many people in Borneo don’t want to change their lives.

Give me a PHP solution to help you achieve the same results. Mr. Bambang Susantono – Official representative of Nusantara said that he vic xy is a town that is no better than a small town. “I don’t want Aladdin and I don’t,” Susantono ni said.

THE LIFE OF KHANH (theo New York Times, ABC News)




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