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Is this the end of the Erdogan era?

Is this the end of the Erdogan era?


A middle-aged man puts a yellow ballot through a slot in a clear plastic bucket, with three election workers seated at tables behind him.

A Turkish citizen living abroad votes Thursday at the Turkish House in New York in the second round of the Turkish presidential election. (Selcuk Acar/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Millions of people in Turkey will head to the polls again on Sunday to vote in a presidential run-off between increasingly autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and opposition coalition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu . Turkey is in the midst of a major economic crisis, and following two devastating earthquakes earlier this year, much is at stake for the country’s citizens and their future. If Erdogan wins, he will rule until 2028 and spend more than 15 years in the seat of power in Turkey.

Results of the first round of elections

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the microphone.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaking in Istanbul on Thursday. (Arif Hudaverdi Yaman/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

As Yahoo News partner Guardian reported, the May 14 results came as a surprise after Erdogan beat expectations in the election, winning 49.5% of the vote. Soaring inflation, suspected terrorist attacks and earthquakes in February had called his competence into question, and many commentators were predicting his imminent political demise. But in the weeks leading up to the election, Erdogan and the nationalist alliance he leads managed to mobilize conservative voters across the country and make significant progress. Despite higher expectations, however, he fell short of the 50% threshold required to secure a first-round victory, prompting a run-off election.

Erdogan’s opponent, Kilicdaroglu, who leads the center-left Republican People’s Party, won 44.9% of the vote on May 14. Don’t fall into despair, Kilicdaroglu told his followers on Twitter, by translation. We will stand up and organize this election together.

ogan said.


Kemal Kilicdaroglu at the microphone, in front of a marked podium, in Turkish: For Turkey, Decide!

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the Republican People’s Party and National Alliance presidential candidate, speaking in Adana, Turkey on Thursday. (Eren Bozkurt/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

The Telegraph notes that this is the first time in Turkey’s history that the presidential election has been reduced to a second round. The first-round result indicated a sharp decline in public support for Erdogan compared to previous elections. Speaking outside his party’s headquarters in Ankara, Erdogan said that although the results were not yet finalized, it did not change the fact that we were our nation’s preference.

Why this election is so important

A woman wearing a gold watch and two bracelets leafs through a pile of green ballot papers, along with a small stack of cards bearing the likenesses of Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu.

A clerk counts ballots Wednesday at the Turkish Embassy in Washington, DC, after voting ended in the second round of the presidential election. (Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Whoever is elected Turkey’s next president will oversee serious national and international issues that will ultimately affect the people of the country. Turkey is a member of NATO, and the next president will also have a say in the future of the military alliance, both on who can join and how the organization reacts to any potential attack on it. member states. Domestically, Turkey is still suffering from the devastating earthquakes and aftershocks that hit its southern region in February. Towns and villages were left in mountains of rubbleand it is estimated that nearly 2 million people have migrated from the disaster areas.

conducted by AFP found that most felt they had no future at home. “Young people have no more hope, said Hasibe Kayaroglu, an engineering student, after the first vote. Every night, the only thing we talk about with my roommate is how to leave.

When do polling stations open?

With the minarets of a mosque in the background, people walk through a huge empty square.

Kilicdaroglu banners in Istanbul on Thursday ahead of the May 28 second round. (Umit Bektas/Reuters)

Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu have spent the past two weeks campaigning for Sunday’s second vote. Polling stations will open nationwide at 8 a.m. in Turkey (1 a.m. ET) on Sunday and end at 5 p.m. (10 a.m. ET). Final results are expected to be announced by Monday.




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