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Special counsel obtained tape of Trump discussing classified document

Special counsel obtained tape of Trump discussing classified document


WASHINGTON Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office obtained a recording of former President Donald Trump discussing a classified planning document he took from his time in the White House, a source told NBC News directly. aware of the case.

The planning document Trump kept was related to Iran, the source said, and the former president acknowledged on the tape that it was classified.

The recording was made in July 2021 during a meeting at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, which included people who were helping former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows write his memoir, a indicated the source. The tape was played during testimony provided to the grand jury investigating Trump’s handling of classified documents, the source added.

Former President Donald Trump at the LIV Golf Invitational at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Va. on May 25, 2023. Rob Carr/Getty Images

The evidence appears to contradict Trump’s claim that he declassified all government documents that came into his possession after he left the White House, and it would be important in any effort by prosecutors to prove that Trump knew he had possession. classified information.

News that federal officials had obtained the audio recording was first reported by CNN. NBC News did not hear the recording.

The special counsel’s investigation into Trump, which focuses on his alleged mishandling of more than 100 classified documents that were discovered at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida last year, appears to be coming to an end .

Trump has denied any wrongdoing, dismissing allegations that he mishandled classified documents. He claimed last year that he could declassify documents by thinking about it.

FBI agents said in a redacted affidavit last year that they found 184 unique documents bearing classification marks in the 15 boxes Trump returned to the National Archives in January.

The affidavit said 25 documents were marked TOP SECRET, 67 documents marked confidential and 92 marked secret.

This then led to the Aug. 8 search of Mar-a-Lago by FBI agents who recovered a treasure trove of top-secret and other highly classified documents, according to court documents unsealed by a federal judge.

During that search, which Trump called a raid, federal agents removed 11 additional sets of classified documents, some of which were labeled secret and top secret.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith as special counsel in November, saying the move was in the public interest based on recent developments, including Trump’s announcement that he is running for president in the upcoming election. and the current intention of the presidents to be a candidate in the next elections.




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