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Prime Minister Narendra Modi accepts invitation from US leaders to address joint session of Congress on June 22

Prime Minister Narendra Modi accepts invitation from US leaders to address joint session of Congress on June 22


Prime Minister Narendra Modi accepts invitation from US leaders to address joint session of Congress on June 22

Prime Minister Narendra Modi – Reuters

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday accepted US President Kevin McCarthy’s invitation to address the US Congress on June 22 during his official state visit to the country on June 22.

“Thank you @SpeakerMcCarthy, @LeaderMcConnell, @SenSchumer and @RepJeffries for this gracious invitation. I am honored to accept and look forward to addressing a joint meeting of Congress again. We are proud of our comprehensive global strategic partnership with United States, built on shared democratic values, strong people-to-people bonds and an unwavering commitment to global peace and prosperity, the Prime Minister tweeted.

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Congressional leaders, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, said in a letter to Modi, on behalf of the bipartisan leadership of the United States and United States House of Representatives. Senate, we have the honor to invite you (Prime Minister Modi) to address a joint meeting of Congress on Thursday, June 22.

“I am honored to invite @PMOIndia @narendramodi to address a joint meeting of Congress on Thursday, June 22. This will be an opportunity to celebrate the enduring friendship between the United States and India. India and to talk about the global challenges facing our two countries,” Kevin McCarthy tweeted on June 2.

During your address, you will have the opportunity to share your vision for India’s future and talk about the global challenges facing our countries, the letter adds.

The speech would be Modi’s second at a joint meeting of the US legislature, a rare honor for a leader who was denied a visa to enter the United States on human rights grounds.

President Joe Biden is eager to deepen ties with the world’s largest democracy as part of his bid to win what he has billed as a contest between free and autocratic societies, especially China.

The White House announced last month that Modi was invited for an official state visit, despite concerns from advocacy groups over what they see as a deteriorating human rights record under his Hindu nationalist party. Bharatiya Janata.

The State Department’s annual report on human rights practices released in March lists “significant human rights problems” and abuses in India.

Addresses at joint meetings of Congress are usually reserved for the closest US allies or major world figures. The last was from South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol in April. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy addressed the House and Senate in December.

Several Indian leaders have made such speeches. Modi last did so in 2016. The first was Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1949.

Modi’s relationship with Washington has evolved since 2005, when then-President George W. Bush’s administration denied him a visa under a US law barring entry to foreigners who have committed “criminal acts.” particularly serious violations of religious freedom”.

It stemmed from the killing of more than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, in sectarian riots in the Indian state of Gujarat shortly after Modi became its chief minister. Modi has denied any wrongdoing.

In their letter, McCarthy, Schumer, McConnell and Jeffries said the speech would celebrate the enduring friendship between the United States and India.

With contributions from agencies

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