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Europeans want to remain neutral in possible US-China conflict, survey finds

Europeans want to remain neutral in possible US-China conflict, survey finds
Europeans want to remain neutral in possible US-China conflict, survey finds


Europeans view China as a strategic partner more than a rival, according to a new survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Majorities of Europeans would like to remain neutral in a possible conflict between the United States and China over Taiwan, according to a new investigation of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

More than 60% of respondents in the 11 EU countries surveyed said they would like their country to remain neutral, reveals ECFR’s survey of European attitudes towards the United States, Russia and China released on Wednesday.

Respondents also viewed China more as a strategic partner than an ally, rival or adversary, according to the survey.

This shows that European public opinion on China is more in line with that of French President Emmanuel Macron than that of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the report’s co-authors explained in a note. orientation.

Macron been shot recently when he was quoted as saying that Europe had no interest in accelerating on the Taiwan issue and warned that Europe should not become a “follower” on the subject and “adapt to the American pace and to a Chinese overreaction”.

Several European leaders, including Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, have visited Beijing recently, with some seeing China as a competitor and others as a possible trading partner.

The ECFR survey showed that Germany and Sweden were the two most hawkish countries vis-à-vis China.

“The poll results show that Europeans’ perception of China has changed surprisingly little compared to the results of the poll conducted in 2021,” write the report’s co-authors, Jana Puglierin and Pawel Zerka, research fellows. in politics at the ECFR, referring to their previous survey. on European attitudes.

“Now the prevailing view in almost every country we surveyed is that China is Europe, and the respective countries, a ‘necessary partner’.”

Yet if China started supplying arms to Russia, an average of 41% of respondents in 11 EU countries would be prepared to impose sanctions on Beijing.

However, in Hungary, Austria, Italy and Bulgaria, respondents said they would prefer not to impose sanctions.

A majority of respondents were also against Chinese companies owning bridges, ports, newspapers or technology companies in Europe, according to the survey.

“EU Autonomy”

Europeans’ views of the US as an ally have improved since 2021, but three-quarters of respondents agreed that Europe cannot “always count on the US” and needs of its own defense capabilities.

“The main conclusion of our survey is that Europeans want to see the EU become more autonomous in foreign policy and strengthen its own defensive capabilities,” Puglierin said.

These are not new demands from the EU or the leaders of its member states, but have been accentuated by the war in Ukraine and growing tensions between the US and China.”

The Europeans also said a future Trump administration would weaken the security alliance with the United States.

Russia as an “adversary”

The share of respondents who see Russia as an adversary or rival of the European Union has, however, doubled since 2021, according to the survey.

Around 64% of respondents said Russia was an “adversary” or a “rival”, up from 36% in 2021.

Yet in Bulgaria, around 47% of respondents said Russia was a “necessary partner” with which Europe must cooperate.

Polls have consistently shown that Europeans are in favor of the EU supporting Ukraine. The latest Eurobarometer poll published on June 6 found that more than two-thirds of EU citizens said they strongly or somewhat approved of support for the country.

The ECFR survey also asked respondents what was next for their country’s relationship with Russia.

An average of 48% of Europeans said that after the war their country should “have a limited relationship” with Russia, while 18% said their country should “end all ties”.

In Bulgaria, a majority of respondents said the country should have a “fully cooperative relationship” with post-war Russia.

Puglierin said: “This could be a watershed moment for the EU and raises the question of whether it can reconcile the differences of opinion within the bloc and move from its dependence on the United States to a position where it can adopt its own political positions.

The ECFR survey was conducted online with more than 16,000 adults over the age of 18 in Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden.




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