At the start of the presidential campaign in Iowa, Mike Pence berates Donald Trump
Mike Pence filed the paperwork on Monday, officially seeking the Republican nomination for president of the United States in next year’s election. File photo by Tasos Katopodis/UPI | License picture
June 7 (UPI) – Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered his most thorough rebuke to former President Donald Trump when he kicked off his presidential campaign in Iowa on Wednesday.
Pence cemented his position as a conservative when he took to the podium in Ankeny, Iowa, while casting doubt that his former running mate remains aligned with conservatives on key issues.
“When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, he promised to govern as a conservative, and that’s exactly what we did together,” Pence said. “Today he makes no such promise.”
The former vice president doubled down on his stance on abortion, against which he took a tough stance. He suggested that Trump had abandoned his position on the issue, saying he viewed it as a “disadvantage”.
“Even blaming election losses in 2022 on the overturning of Roe v. Wade,” Pence continued.
Regarding the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill, Pence said Trump demanded he choose between himself and the Constitution, referring to Trump’s suggestion that Pence could have refused to certify the election results.
Pence did not spare President Joe Biden criticism. He said the current administration has weakened the United States’ position on the world stage and on the southern border.
“In many ways, our country became barely recognizable until just a few years ago,” he said. “There are crises everywhere.
He promised to reduce federal regulations, noting that he would remove two for every one enacted. He said he would focus on cutting spending and balancing the federal budget. Pence also said he would open up federal lands in the name of national energy production and help the country become energy independent.
Pence filed the paperwork on Monday, officially seeking the Republican nomination for president of the United States in next year’s election. Wednesday was also Pence’s 64th birthday.
The former Indiana governor spent the weekend in Iowa, where he and his wife Karen Pence attended a rally for a Republican Senate candidate.
Pence is also expected to take part in a town hall panel hosted by CNN on Wednesday evening.
“In 2024, I believe conservatives have a unique opportunity to renew America’s promise!” he tweeted on Saturday, in a campaign-style message thread.
Pence, who served as the 48th vice president under Donald Trump, has sought to distance himself from the former president since leaving the White House.
Trump has already declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination.
The Justice Department recently cleared Pence of any wrongdoing after his attorneys found a dozen classified documents in a box at his Indiana home.
Sources 2/ https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/06/07/mike-pence-campaign-kick-off-iowa-rally/3151686156282/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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