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Leaders who left Imran Khan launch their own party backed by the Pakistani army

Leaders who left Imran Khan launch their own party backed by the Pakistani army


She said Imran Khan was responsible for what he and his party are facing today.


In a setback for Pakistan’s embattled former prime minister Imran Khan, dozens of disgruntled leaders on Thursday launched a new political party – believed to be backed by the mighty military – to fight a general election likely to be held in October.

Sugar baron and old friend of Imran Khan, Jahangir Khan Tareen, who heads the group of leaders who quit Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party following May 9 attacks on military installations, announced the launch of the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) at a press conference in Lahore.

“We are laying the foundations of a new political party – the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party,” Tareen said, flanked by former PTI leaders including Aleem Khan, Imran Ismail and others.

Mr Tareen, who played a major role in forming the Imran Khan-led government in 2018, said he joined politics to play his part in improving the country.

The millionaire parted ways with Mr Khan when a money laundering case was filed against him under the PTI-led government.

“We have come together on a platform to make a joint effort to pull the country out of this quagmire,” said Mr Tareen, who was disqualified for life after the Supreme Court ruled in 2017 that he had been found guilty of assets beyond means.

He said the country needs political leadership capable of solving all current problems, including social, economic and others.

He also said that those responsible for the May 9 vandalism should be brought to justice “otherwise the houses of political opponents will be attacked in the future”.

The country, he added, needs a new political leadership that could put it on the path to progress saying that people have lost all hope in the current political system.

Several former aides to Mr Khan, including Fawad Chaudhry, Imran Ismail, Ali Zaidi and others, reportedly met Tareen before the official announcement of the new party.

More than 100 PTI stalwarts and lawmakers joined their new boss, Mr Tareen, whose party includes more than 120 former PTI leaders and lawmakers on Wednesday.

This new party is dubbed the “party of the king” by Mr Khan and political pundits for having the full support of the military establishment. In the next election, it is said that the king’s party will come out strong and have a share of the power.

“It is not out of place to say that the IPP (the king’s party) will be the ‘new PTI minus Imran Khan’ in the next general elections which will probably be held in October 2023,” the former PTI leader said. Firdous Ashiq Awan at the Press Trust. of India on Thursday.

She said Mr Khan was responsible for what he and his party are facing today.

“His anti-military narrative caused the incidents of May 9. Instead of targeting his political rivals, he was targeting the establishment and now he is paying the price,” she said.

Most of the PTI’s top leaders and former lawmakers have joined the Tareen group and no one will stay with Khan, she said.

“Under the new platform, we will do politics against the traditional parties – PMLN and PPP – because the PTI is now a thing of the past,” Ms Awan said.

More than 130 leaders and former lawmakers left the PTI over what Mr Khan said “under military pressure” to keep him out of politics.

Interestingly, some of them had announced a “temporary break” from politics while leaving the PTI following the May 9 unrest. However, their break only lasted a few weeks before they officially entered the new political camp.

Every day since the attacks on more than 20 military installations and public buildings, including the army headquarters in Rawalpindi on May 9, the leaders of the PTI leave Mr Khan. Only a handful of PTI leaders are believed to be left backing Mr Khan in the ongoing efforts to fracture the PTI.

“Almost all the defectors from PTI have converged on one platform – Tareen Group. Now this group is launching a new party – ‘Istehkaam-i-Pakistan Party (IPP) – and all those who leave Mr. Khan will be part of this party,” said the Prime Minister. special assistant Awn Chaudhry, who is one of the main leaders of the group.

He said the Democrat group, made up of some 35 former PTI lawmakers, also joined the Tareen group. “Now we’re going to do politics on the new platform,” Chaudhry said.

Among those who have joined the new group are former PTI senior vice president Fawad Chaudhry, founding member Amir Kiyani, former Sindh governor Imran Ismail, former federal ministers Ali Zaidi and Firdous Ashiq Awan and Frank -talk Fayyazul Hasan Chohan.

Property and media tycoon Aleem Khan is pushing for the president’s place in the IPP, while Mr Tareen himself could be called ‘leader’ of the new party until he gets a waiver of the court regarding his lifetime disqualification from holding public office.

The arrest of Mr Khan by paramilitaries from the High Court premises in Islamabad on May 9 sparked unrest in Pakistan, leaving several dead and the destruction of dozens of military and state facilities by angry PTI protesters .

The ousted prime minister is under pressure to keep his party intact as dozens of senior leaders deserted him after a crackdown launched to arrest those involved in attacks on military installations on May 9.

Mr Khan, a cricketer turned politician, was ousted from power in April last year after losing a vote of no confidence in his leadership, which he said was part of a plot directed by the United States targeting him because of his independent foreign policy decisions on Russia, China and Afghanistan.

(Except for the title, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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