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Lawyer Ruslan Buton: fried chicken becomes evidence, judge doesn’t care


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The power of the law Ruslan Buton, Tonin Tachta protested against the decision of the judge who again refused the request for pre-trial treatment of his client. One of the points of his protest related to the evidence, which was a story in one of the online media portals.

“The press product is its authority in the Press Council, the judge closes his eyes. He said if we just saw the formality before the trial, there was or was not two proofs. You want proof that ‘It’s about fried chicken, fried duck, fried meat, ”Tonin said in South Jakarta District Court on Tuesday, July 21, 2020.

In his second preliminary petition, Ruslan Buton sued Director of Criminal Acts Siber Bareskrim Polri and Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes. The petitioner considered the suspect’s determination to be invalid, not least because the evidence submitted by the journalist was a news link from The media that published the information on Ruslan’s open letter to President Joko Widodo or Jokowi was considered by Tonin Tachta Cs to be unverified by the Press Council.

While on the other hand, Single Judge Akhmad Suhel assessed the formal requirements for the determination of suspect Ruslan Buton, namely that at least two pieces of evidence had been completed by the investigator. The evidence included the testimony of three witnesses and three experts. As for the dispute in the press council relating to the verification of online media, the judge ruled that it was not part of the pre-trial.

“Then the request to declare the suspect’s determination invalid must be rejected,” Akhmad Suhel said, reading the preliminary ruling.

Police arrested Ruslan Buton on Jalan Poros, Wajo Wasuba market, hamlet of Lacupea, Wabula subdistrict, south-eastern Sulawesi, on Thursday, May 28, 2020. This former member of the army was arrested for having done an open statement to President Joko Widodo or Jokowi in the form of sound recordings.

In his recording, Ruslan Buton criticized Jokowi’s leadership. According to him, the best solution to save the Indonesian nation is if Jokowi is ready to step down as president. Ruslan was subject to Articles 27 and 28 of the ITE Law and Articles 207, 310 and 31 of the Criminal Code.

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