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Coalition calls on government to open access to information on COVID-19 response funds – National


A coalition of watch groups has urged the government to be more transparent in the use of the trillions of rupees allocated for the virus response amid a lack of access to information on how funds are being spent, while Activists have expressed concerns about the potential for corruption.

The coalition, led by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Transparency International Indonesia (TII), the National Secretariat of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Seknas Fitra) and the Indonesia Budget Center (IBC) said the government had failed not been responsible and open in the use of COVID-19 response funds.

<< When supervising funds, the various obstacles we face are the lack of access to information relating to the amount of budgetary funds received by government institutions, the value of the expenses incurred, the types of expenses, [and] the budgetary value of each of these expenditures, ”the coalition wrote in a statement on Monday.

In addition, the groups said detailed information on the distribution of assets and their location, as well as on welfare recipients, health worker incentives and national economic stimulus programs, was also lacking.

Also read: Activists warn of possible transplant as government sets aside billions for COVID-19 relief

The coalition also said the oversight function exercised by the press also faced a roadblock as the government shut down its access to information.

“We urge the Indonesian president to order all government officials, both in central and regional administrations, to provide various information without having to be specifically requested by the public or the press,” the groups said, adding that the information should be easily accessible for all items in accordance with the 2008 Information Disclosure Act.

Virus response funds include the Rp 695.2 trillion ($ 46.98 billion) allocated by the central government, in addition to the Rp 71.57 billion allocated on average by regional governments.

The coalition argued that, as government institutions have been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for five months now, they should have been able to adapt to the new situation and not constantly use the crisis and emergency as reasons to cover up.

The groups have recognized that the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic must be prioritized and addressed quickly.

“But if the process is carried out without accountability, it would instead unleash corruption and threaten the success of the pandemic response,” the coalition said in the statement.

Read also: The government pledges to cut red tape to speed up health spending

The concern for transparency also came amidst President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, noting the relatively low absorption of COVID-19 response funds at the previous Cabinet meeting.

Of the Rp 87.55 trillion allocated for health spending, the government had used only Rp 4.48 trillion, a paltry 5.12 percent despite an increase from absorption rate of 1.53 percent. cent reported in late June.

Additionally, all provinces in the country had used less than 50 percent of their respective allocated response funds as of July 15, the highest being Jakarta at 45 percent and the lowest being Southeast Sulawesi and Southeastern Sulawesi. Sumatra with 16 percent.

The head of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Comr. General Firli Bahuri said those who embezzled COVID-19 funds would face the death penalty as stipulated in the 2001 Corruption Act.

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