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PM Modi: A lakh of water connections every day in the country | India Business News


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that a lakh of water connections were being put in place every day in the country and added that this had become possible as the “Jal Jeevan mission” progressed as a movement massive.
His remarks came after laying the foundation stone for the Manipur water supply project by video conference.
“Today, around one lakh of water connection is put in place every day in the country. Every day we remove such a big water concern from the lives of mothers and sisters of a lakh, which makes their lives easier, ”the prime minister said.
“This acceleration is also possible because the ‘Jal Jeevan mission’ is progressing as a mass movement. The inhabitants of the village, especially the sisters and representatives of the public, decide the location of the pipes, the source of the water, the location of the reservoir. built, and what budget will be achieved, ”he said.
Speaking on the Manipur water supply project, the Prime Minister said: “Today is a great day for millions of colleagues in Manipur, including Imphal, especially our sisters. The Manipur water supply project will be completed at a cost of around Rs 3,000 crore and it is going to reduce the water problems of the people here. ”
“The ‘jal dhara’ of this project will become ‘jeevan dhara’ for 25 towns and villages, including the Grand Imphal and 1,700 villages. Most importantly, this project is designed with the needs of not only today but also the next 20 in mind. -22 years old. With this project, millions of people will not only have access to drinking water, but thousands of people will also have jobs, ”he said.
“Last year, when the Water Life mission started in the country, I said that we had to work much faster than previous governments. When running water needs to be delivered to over 15 million homes, we can’t even think of stopping for a while, ”the Prime Minister said.
The Manipur Water Supply Project is an important component of the state government’s efforts to achieve the target of “Har Ghar Jal” by 2024. Project expenditure is approximately Rs 3,054.58 crore with a loan component financed by the new development bank.
Minister of Jal Shakti Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Minister of State of the Union (Independent Charge) for the Development of the North-East Region Jitendra Singh, Governor of Manipur Najma Akbar Ali Heptulla, Chief Minister of Manipur N Biren Singh also attended the event via video conference.
The Prime Minister said northeast India faces a double challenge – COVID-19 and flooding and expressed sympathies to all affected families.
“This time North East India faces a double challenge. The heavy rains have caused enormous damage. Many people have died and many have become homeless. I express my sympathy for all the people. The country is by your side. The Center is making all its efforts in coordination with the state governments, “he said.
The prime minister said about 25 lakh poor brothers and sisters in Manipur received free food grains under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana during the lockdown.
“Likewise, more than 1.5 lakh sisters have received the installation of free gas cylinders under the Ujjwala program,” he said.
He said the state government was working day and night to control the pace and scale of the coronavirus infection in Manipur.
“Today’s program is an example of how even in the coronavirus crisis, the nation did not stop or tire. Until the vaccine arrives, we must fight the coronavirus firmly and become victorious. We must also continue to develop the work with all our strength ”. said the prime minister.

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