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Why India and the world can never trust China until it becomes a democracy


I know for sure that as I write this China is in the process of disengaging from India, but it is all posture. Right now, Xi Jinping is under tremendous pressure and no one in the civilized world will ever be able to understand how it will play out in a country that has harvested organs from living political dissidents; not played by an order based on international rules; caught islands all over the South China Sea by faking maps and simply stating it’s ours from ancient times; and make the WTO, WHO and several other United Nations organizations a spokesperson for the Communist Party of China (CCP).

Xi Jinping made himself emperor for life when he systematically purged not only the CCP of millions of its members, but also military officers and leaders of the PLA – the People’s Liberation Army. He even challenged the ten-year rule of the CCP leader.

Thus, everything that happened in 2020 and before can be directly attributed to it.

From my media sources inside and outside of China, I can verify the following:

As of this writing, China is going through, some say, the worst flooding in 80 years. Even their Three Gorges Dam was hit as well as hundreds of towns upstream and downstream. The city of Wuhan, the place of origin of the virus, is inundated, but perhaps not the skyscrapers like most of the small towns and villages nearby. Several dams and dikes were broken to flood villages and small towns to save large towns.

China is perhaps the biggest terrorist financier that the world has ignored. He has kept his own Muslims in concentration camps that are hardly terrorists, but he has made deals with the Taliban and Pakistan to promote terrorism for cash and access for personal gain.

The fact that China put a million innocent Muslims in a concentration camp to re-educate them against Islam, while giving a free pass to the globally recognized Islamist terrorist Masood Azhar against strategic countries like the States- United, France, India, the Kingdom of others, only portray the contempt they have for the authority of the UN, the nations of the world and the rule of law. It also highlights the ugly belly of a state aspiring to be a super power.
That would be the only reason they would prevent Masood Azhar, leader of an Islamist terrorist group, responsible for attacking the Indian Parliament, a military base and killing dozens of our security forces, from being labeled a global terrorist, even though they imprisoned a million. innocent Muslims. China is encouraging terror outside its borders and paying the Taliban to secure its $ 60 billion assets in Pakistan.

Ironically, it was the first Indian Prime Minister Nehrus in the early 1950s to give the seat it was offered to the UNSC, to China, which haunted us and the world to this day. Sadly, it was easier to give than to recover when Nehrus’s vision was that of a world leader who saw himself as the boss of the Third World of countries aligned against developed countries. As a Fabian socialist, he aligned himself with the USSR, rather than the Western democratic powers who, after World War II, had the Marshall Plan and even invested to build Germany and Japan.

In the case of India, Nehru went with China to the point of telling his sister who was sent as Ambassador to the United States and wrote to her that the United States wanted India in the Security Council of the ‘UN, not at the expense of China! I wrote in my previous posts on this site how Nehrus’ fascination and debacles with China are still costing us, even in 2020.

The frightening aspect of this whole episode is that China will do whatever it takes to become a world power. Give weapons of mass destruction to the two monsters they have openly supported for years Pakistan and North Korea, which have openly and secretly been used to frighten and test the limits of the international community and the United Nations. I can guarantee that neither Pakistan nor North Korea will give up their weapons of mass destruction until China wants to. China has not only allowed these poor countries to acquire them, but will ensure that it uses them as a threat to the civilized world.

This fact has not been sufficiently taken into account when nations try to talk to North Korea or Pakistan to change their behavior. Why should these rogue nations give up anything when China firmly supports them in peace and war?

In fact, Pakistan and North Korea behave a bit like its mentor China. They lie, cheat, deceive, and buy time when confronted, only to strengthen their hand.
This will never change and why are we waiting for it? These are nations that have never had the rule of law or human rights and that have allowed ideologies to keep their populations stunned. Whether it is terror like Pakistan, Communism in China, or an authoritarian dictatorship in North Korea, we would kid ourselves into thinking that they will change on their own. Only a global effort to summon them and starve their trade and economy can work.

After all, even America couldn’t get Pakistan to give up protecting and feeding terrorists, even after finding Osama bin Laden state safe in a military protected area. China has been stealing high-end tech from the United States for decades, and Pakistan has been feeding terrorist groups against the U.S. military in Afghanistan and India for decades, while North Korea is starving its people to stay in power with the help of China for years as well. and the world looked away.

Today, China has thumbed its nose at France, the UK and the US. It almost seems self-defeating to do so, but I’m sure they’ve taken it into account and have more mind games up their sleeve. The first is that the world has a short memory. Maybe the other reason is that America did nothing when Xi promised Obama in 2015 that
China would not militarize the South China Sea and yet it went ahead and did it and America let it happen.

China is convinced that democracies are messy and that only dictatorships work and therefore have an advantage when they resolutely pursue a goal of dominating world systems. After all, a new leader will emerge in a democracy, and their attitude may well be different towards China, which will allow them to continue to bypass the system and wait.

This is their long-term plan of action, unless countries unite against it on trade, in international institutions and its appalling human rights record. Today, we can add how the deadly coronavirus escaped Wuhan, even though the CCP knew it was very contagious and very contagious. They closed Wuhan residents from all domestic travel but allowed international flights to the rest of the world.

Today, the Chinese Communist Party and Xi threaten the world in every way, from attacks on India’s northern borders to every corner, even 1,000 miles from the South China Sea. China’s takeover and hegemonic position in the world has not only alienated Western powers, but even China’s fourteen neighboring countries and other nations that don’t even have a border with China.

I know the Chinese establishment under Xi Jinping has fought too many fights against the established international order, defying all the rules and thinking they could get away with it for years, which they managed to do for two decades.

But 2020 was the year that, after the deliberate spread of a deadly virus that could have been confined to Wuhan, the whole world woke up to just how harmful a closed, fascist regime can be.

There will never be regular work with China. Not if the citizens of the world have a say and thanks to social media and internet connectivity, even China and the monsters it has created and nurtured in its backyard, like North Korea, Pakistan and now Iran, will be suspect and will pay the price. sanctions like an outcast in the civilized world.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed above are those of the author.

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