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Fact check: Trump continues to dishonestly downplay pandemic


But he continued with one of the basic elements of his briefing room appearances in March and April: downplaying the pandemic in a way that doesn’t correspond to reality.

During his briefing on Thursday, Trump made a series of separate remarks in which he attempted to make the situation in the United States much better than it is.

He said, “Much of the country has no problem – most of the country actually.” He said, of the outbreak in the Jacksonville, Fla. Area where he planned to hold Republican convention activities until they are canceled on Thursday, “It is happening quickly. And it goes and it goes. quickly.”

Welcoming the progress made in the North East, he said: “The country is in very good shape, unless you look at the South and the West.”

The facts first: While some areas of the United States have much bigger current problems than others, the virus is a problem nationwide – and as epidemics in the south and west prove, communities that once seemed in relatively good shape may soon become hotspots. While Trump didn’t define “quickly,” major epidemics don’t just go away quickly; they do not go away at all without an intensive effort from governments and citizens. And while the situation in the Northeast has indeed improved considerably, it is absurd to claim that the country is in “good shape” other than raging outbreaks in two large population regions. Dr Deborah Birx, coordinator of the coronavirus task force, said on Wednesday that the administration was monitoring the rise in cases in a list of 12 towns, some of which are far south or west.

“There are cities that are lagging behind and we have further increases in Miami, New Orleans, Las Vegas, San Jose, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Nashville, Pittsburgh, Columbus and Baltimore, so we’re following this very closely, ”Birx told a group of local and national health officials in an audio obtained by the nonprofit journalism Center for Public Integrity.

Twenty-three states have an increasing number of coronavirus cases this week compared to last, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. (Twenty-two states are stable, while cases are down in just five.) Coronavirus-related hospitalizations, meanwhile, are around April’s record highs. The United States again has days of more than 1,000 reported coronavirus deaths.

Running on the fans

Trump claimed the country was running out of supplies, especially ventilators, before the coronavirus pandemic struck.

“Remember, I used to say the cabinets were empty; well now the cabinets are the opposite,” Trump said. “And most importantly, they have fans because fans are very, very hard to find, at least in the past. Now we make thousands of fans a month and in many cases supply them to other countries.”

The facts first: the strategic national stockpile was not empty, of ventilators or other supplies, before the coronavirus pandemic.

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed to CNN at the end of June that there had been around 19,000 ventilators in the national stockpile for “many years”, including 16,660 ventilators ready for immediate use in March. 2020; the spokesperson confirmed that none of those 16660 were purchased by the Trump administration.

In addition, the stockpile contained enough smallpox vaccines for every American, among other medical supplies. And while the stockpile of some essential supplies that could be used to fight the coronavirus have been depleted and not replenished, Trump has been given a three-year tenure to replenish those depleted stocks.

In the end, Trump ignored expert warnings and failed to restock masks and prepare other supplies to fight a possible pandemic.

You can read a longer fact-check on Trump’s claims regarding the legacy of an empty cabinet of supplies here.

Enough supplies

Trump also praised the government’s efforts to provide supplies to states, noting that his administration communicates closely with governors.

“We have supplies, whatever they could possibly need,” Trump said. “We are very strong on supplies.”

Facts first: While some governors have what they need, others have said the Trump administration is behind schedule. And even though Trump has claimed the United States is “very strong on supplies,” some hospitals and healthcare workers still lack enough protective gear, which experts say the slow take Trump’s decision is partly to blame. According to ABC, at least 13 states have pending requests for coronavirus supplies from the Trump administration. This isn’t the first time Trump has said governors are happy with the supplies they have received, even as governors on both sides say they face a shortage of medical supplies. The country is in better shape than ‘a few months ago, but there are still reports. equipment shortages. Some frontline health workers are also still rationing their personal protective equipment.

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